November 29, 2007


Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Shares

Vol. 81, No. 21                President – John Bickhart                     Editor – Dottie Anderson   *************************************************************************************

This Week: Dec. 6, 2007 – Rotary Holiday Party at the Country Club – 6 p.m., social time, 6:30 p.m. dinner. Entertainment provided by the Selinsgrove Area High School Honors Choir.  Art Bowen is the host. Call Joyce Anderson by Monday, 12/3 if you have missed signing up.  Guests are both welcome and encouraged.

Nov. 29, 2007 – Thirty-four Rotarians and guests were present for this program on the Drug Court program presented by the Honorable Judge Harold F. Woelfel, Jr. Judge Woelfel began his service on the bench in Snyder County in 1990.  He has seen a substantial increase in the amount of crime and in the amount of crime that occurs as the result of addition to alcohol and other drugs.  Currently, no options exist other than putting someone in jail at great annual expense, with little chance that that person will “reform.”  40 to 60 % of offenders repeat.  Statistics indicate that implementation of a “problem solving court” model, reduces recidivism to about 15%.  This model allows the defendant to choose to have case referred to drug court, and, if accepted, includes assessment, out patient rehab, meeting with a probation officer and/or counselor daily, appearing before the judge every two weeks.  “Creative discipline” is applied with the person receiving positive reinforcement if they are making good progress.  It is the goal to have the drug court up and running in Snyder/Union County by July 1.  John Bickhart introduced guest Joel Patch, a Susquehanna student, who is serving an internship with the Borough.

Announcements: *Joyce Anderson announced progress on support for the Christmas Family – a mother with two special needs sons.  Over $300 has been raised to purchase  presents, clothing, etc.  A tree and tree stand has been donated by Gilberts. Ken Wagner will deliver the tree to the family and Kendra Aucker and her daughters will assist with purchasing items. **Nov. events for your calendar include: 11/29, 5 to 7 p.m. Pottieger House and Klienbauers’s GSVCC After Hours Event – Chestnut St.; 11/30 – opening night of the Tree Fest.***Sign-up sheet circulating for bell ringing for the Salvation Army – times available include Dec. 4 Late shoppers night and weekends preceding Christmas.  Jim Taylor is circulating the sign-up sheet.****Mike Damiano reported on Rotary Foundation campaign.

Good News of Rotary: Gates $100 million matching gift to Rotary for Polio Plus program.

Sergeant at Arms: Konrad Kempfe collected fines as follows: Happy 51st Birthday to Paul Spiegel; from Jeff Edmunds (trip to Florida and beating Don Harnum at golf on Thanksgiving Day); Tom Gates (first meeting of the Summer Seals Board; Philly marathon completion; and Mike Hayes); Hal Dunkleberger (John B on WITF re the airport; and program at SC Pa. Rotary Club); Miake Damiano (Edward Jones in #2 in the best companies to work for); Steva Hardcastle (Companion Open House Saturday); Al Sobel (missed meetings and 30th wedding anniversary); John Fischer (Art’s good work); Dottie Anderson (sister becoming a member of the PRC Rotary Club); Donna Long (missed meetings); Harry Derr (late shopper’s night program); Toby Skinner (Art’s work for Servano’s and truck not leaking); Konrad Kempfe (Florida visit with son); Fred Johnson (Seals in Altoona and Earl’s buck); Bob Fogle (for Earl).

Future Programs:                              

Dec. 13 – Hal Schriver has arranged for this program with the ’07 Free Enterprise Week graduates from Selinsgrove High School – Courtney Schrey, Kilene Smith; Andrew Snook.  Guidance Counselor Chris Lupolt will also be present, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Dec. 20 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Dec. 27 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.   Maybe no meeting since this is between the holidays?

Jan. 3 – Club Assembly, location tba, 11:45 a.m.  Selinsgrove Tree “un-decorating”

Birthdays:   Dec. 5 – Judy Spiegel; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky & Jeff Edmunds; 15 – Nelson Bailey; 30 – Dottie Anderson; 31 – Donna Long.

Quotation:  “If you cannot take things by the head, then take them by the tail.” 

                                           -Arab Proverb