November 8, 2007


Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Shares

Vol. 81, No. 19                President – John Bickhart                      Editor – Dottie Anderson   *************************************************************************************

This Week: Nov. 15, 2007- Ecuador Potable Water Project report. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Nov. 8, 2007 – Twenty-four Rotarians and guests were present for the Annual Meeting and election of 08-09 Officers. Rick Schrader, guest of Jeff Edmunds, works at Sunbury Community Hospital.  Norma Naugle, guest of Mike Hayes, is his office manager (and driver today). The Nominations Committee nominated Mike Hayes for President; Jeff Edmunds for President Elect; Fred Johnson for Vice President; Ken Wagner for Treasurer; John Stokinger for Secretary; Judy Spiegel for Community Service; Mike Flock for Club Service; Tom Gates for Vocational Service; and Konrad Kempfe and Steva Stowell Hardcastle as co-directors for International Service.  Harry Derr was nominated for a term on the Selinsgrove Rec. Board.  Judy Spiegel declined the nomination as Community Service Director.  John Bickhart, who will also serve the 08-09 Board as Past President, was nominated by John Fischer to serve as Club Service Director and he was elected. There were no further nominations from the floor and all other were elected as presented.

Announcements: *Thanks are extended to the Nominations Committee (Mike Flock, Mike Damiano, Kendra Aucker and John Bickhart). **Remember to inform John Stokinger of meeting make-ups.***John Fischer has SAYF brochures and stands for offices or stores.****Mike Damiano reminds us that Nov. is Rotary Foundation Month.*****Dottie Anderson circulated information about the hours of Tree Fest and urged people to attend.  She and Toby Skinner will decorate the Rotary tree.******Mike Hayes informed Club that we will once again “adopt” a Christmas Family.

Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe reported on the artificial limbs program in Iraq being supported by several Rotary Clubs in DC. 

Sergeant at Arms: Konrad Kempfe collected fines as follows:Happy 70th Birthday to Jerry Rhoades; and from Jeff Edmunds (his guest and new sidewalks being installed on 18th Street); Kendra Aucker (hockey success and in memory of Mrs. Simon Rhoades who attended and supported school district sports); Joyce Anderson (smart grandchildren); Fred Johnson (school successes past and expected on Saturday, school board elections); Mike Hayes (guest and good schools); Mary Peterhaensel and Mark Johnson (missed meeting); Paul Spiegel (Hockey, school board, cross country); Jerry Rhoades (birthday and thanks for all the remembrances of his mother); Steva Stowell-Hardcastle (late but staying and daughters success); and Earl Ferster ($21 plus).

Future Programs:                              

Nov. 22 – No meeting this week. Happy Thanksgiving.

Nov. 29 – The Honorable Judge Harold F. Woelfel will speak about the drug court, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Dec. 6 – Holiday Party, 6 to 7 p.m. social; 7 p.m. dinner and entertainment. SVCC, guests more than welcome. Sign up sheet circulating.  Art Bowen hosts.

Dec. 13 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:   Nov.15 – Art Bowen; 23 – Brad Buck; 29 – Paul Spiegel.  Dec. 5 – Judy Spiegel; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky & Jeff Edmunds; 15 – Nelson Bailey; 30 – Dottie Anderson; 31 – Donna Long.

Quotation:  “Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.”

                                                              –Babe Ruth