October 25, 2007

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Shares

Vol. 81, No. 17                     President – John Bickhart                  Editor – Michael Hayes   *************************************************************************************

This Week: Nov. 1, 2007- New member Leo Mendonca will give his classification/vocational talk.  Nominating Committee will report. SVCC,

Oct 25, 2007 – 28 Rotarians and visiting Rotarian, Dick Kratzer, from Sunbury were present to hear new member Mark Johnson’s vocational/classification talk. Hailing from the Lock Haven area, Mark grew-up on a non-working farm in a close, supportive family atmosphere. As a child, Mark enjoyed swimming, baseball, motorcycling, hunting, and fishing. He graduated from Bald Eagle Nittany HS and wrestled on the varsity team. He worked as a mason tender (carrying block) and iron worker following HS and attended the University of Pittsburg at two satellite campuses. While working as an engineering intern in State College, Mark met his future wife, Melissa, whom is a homemaker. They have two sons. Corry, is in his 2nd year at Wilkes (environmental engineering), and Evan, in 9th grade, whom loves the guitar and plays daily; both boys are doing wonderfully, which Mark attributes to his wife. Mark’s vocational path included experience as an estimator/project manager prior to establishing his own company, ASP (i.e., Architectural, Structural, and Pre-engineered) Services. ASP Services moved to it’s current facility on Route 522 in ’01 and has grown into a highly successful business. The company provides design and fabrication services for steel buildings, railings, and stairways. Becoming a Rotarian provides Mark with the opportunity to meet and know other members in the community, to make new friends, and to help in the many good things that Rotary does… “service above self.”

Announcements: Mike Flock and Shawn Felty recently met to discuss the creation of club webpage. Ken Miller announced a work group will meet on Saturday, November 17th, to rake at Rotary Field at . According to our Distict’s August newsletter, the district had 885 members as of 09/19/07 toward our goal of 1000 members by December ‘07. *The Nominations Committee (Mike Flock, Mike Damiano, Kendra Aucker and JohnBickhart) will report to the Club on Nov. 1.  Candidates needed for President Elect, Vice President andCommunity Service Director.**Remember to inform John Stokinger of meeting make-ups.

Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe reported that the United Nation’s Association of New York selected Rotary International for it’s ’07 Humanitarian Award. This honor is in recognition of RI’s involvement in safe water and sanitation programs around the world.

Sargeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Jeff Edmunds (career change); Paul Speigle (SUN Home Health fund raiser/fashion show and Rotarian involvement; daughter’s participation in XC districts); Mike Flock (Youth in Philanthropy program); John Stokinger (American League win); Michael Damiano (banquet and local team’s success); Nelson Bailey (Al Sobel’s article on capital punishment); Ken Miller (hunting trip and anticipated grandson’s birth); Jeff Reber (recent absences; son’s enjoyment of Kindergarten); Mary Peterhaensel (safari and dream snake); Kendra (field hockey districts; ‘put a cap on drug abuse’ day); John Bickhart (main street manager; SUN Home Health fundraiser; Kimmy Spiegle); Dick Kratzer (enjoyable make-up); Shawn Felty (recent absences; hole-in-one); Earl Ferster (recent absences; $30+ in fines); Fred Johnson (proud of SASD’s athletic successes).

Future Programs:                              

Nov. 8 – Annual Meeting, Election of Officers, Mike Hayes will edit the newsletter. SVCC,

Nov. 15 – Ecuador Potable Water Project report.  SVCC,

Nov. 22 – No meeting this week. Happy Thanksgiving.

Nov. 29 – TBA, SVCC,

Birthdays:   Oct. 22 – John Reed.  Nov. 2 – Chris Kenawell; 6- Donna Shuck; 8 – Jerry Rhoads; 15 – Art Bowen; 23 – Brad Buck; 29 – Paul Spiegel.

Quotation:  “They who make no mistakes make nothing at all.”        