March 27, 2008


Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Shares

Vol. 81, No. 38                President – John Bickhart                     Editor – Dottie Anderson   *************************************************************************************

This Week: April 3, 2008 – Club Assembly – Directors and Chairs are asked to be prepared to speak about the work of their committee(s). SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

March 27, 2008 – Thirty Rotarians and a guest (Dr. Takeshi Takizawa, of the International Education Department of Senshu University High School, guest of Fred Johnson) were present to hear Dawn Warren, Director of Therapeutic Family Care at NHS Human Services, speak about Foster Care Retention and Recruitment.  The goal of this program is to provide a treatment-oriented, family living experience, as an alternative to more costly hospital or residential placements for children with special needs. Working in a service area that includes Clinton/Columbia/Lycoming/Montour/Snyder and Union Counties, Dawn currently has 22 registered therapeutic families. More are needed in order to have children placed a near as possible to their home area.  This is a program worthy of serious consideration for anyone who believes they can provide an appropriate setting for children between 3 and 19 years of age.    Daffodils were distributed.  If you ordered but weren’t present, the flowers have been given to the residents of Grayson View.   

Announcements: We host the GSE Team from Brazil April 13-19. They will present to the Club on April 17 at our Distinguished Service Award night dinner.  PLEASE SIGN UP TO ATTEND THIS IMPORTANT MEETING IN THE LIFE OF THE SELINSGROVE AREA CLUB.  Attendance by partners and other guest encouraged.**Dates of District Conference – April 11-13, in Williamsport. Members urged to attend.***West Snyder Club celebrates its 50th anniversary 4/15, at the Beavertown Fire Hall at a cost of $15 per person.  RSVP by 4/1 to Tammy Hassinger, by calling 658-7760.****Art Bowen presented John Bickhart with his “I got Mine” banner for his badge.

Sergeant At Arms:  Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: from himself (MC for the Penn State Rock Ethics presentations); Mary Peterhaensel (65th Birthday); Art Bowen (grandkids visit and vacation next week); Bob Soper (thanks to Mike and John for the file cabinet in the basement of the borough building for Pool records); Don Summers (happy to be here, sorry to be late); Fred Johnson (his guest and school project moving forward); John Fischer (houseguest & picture in paper); Nelson Bailey (wife has successfully passed last of the medical exams that allow her to begin an internship); Ken Miller (granddaughter’s athletic involvement); Hal Schriver (Buffalo Valley Singers Concert Sunday); John Reed (family trip to Philly and his father’s birthday); and Earl Ferster (plus $30).

Future Programs:                              

April 10 – Michael Damiano will speak on a mission trip to Panama, partially supported by the Club. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 17 – SSVC, Social begins at 6:00 p.m. followed by dinner and the Distinguished Service Award Presentation and GSE team program on Brazil. Sign up sheet is circulating. Partners and guests are more than welcome.  This is an evening not to be missed! < /font>

April 24 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

May 1 – Mark Barnhardt, Principle-in-Charge; Jim Martin, Project Manager and Leah Shiley, Director of Business Development, all with EI Associates, Inc., will make a presentation about the Selinsgrove Elementary School project. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Newsletter editor needed.

Birthdays:  April 7 – Bob Soper and Ken Wagner; 20 – John Bickhart; 23 – Jim Taylor; 28 – Bob Fogle; 29 – Chuck Steininger. May 15 – John Stokinger; 23 – Jack Roush.

Quotation:  “I have never been hurt by anything I didn’t say.” 

                                              –Calvin Coolidge