May 15, 2008

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Shares

Vol. 81, No. 45                President – John Bickhart                     Editor – Dottie Anderson   *************************************************************************************

This Week: May 22, 2008 – Rotarian Shawn Felty, Sire Advertising, will talk about developing the Selinsgrove Area Club’s WEB Page.  SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

May 15, 2008 – Forty plus Rotarians and guests were present for this program honoring the students selected as the 07-08 Rotary and SAYF Scholarship recipients.  Tom Gates, President of the SAYF, spoke about the Rotary/SAYF program which distributes $14,000 annually in scholarship assistance – $4000 from the Club and $10,000 from the foundation, which is now administered by the Susquehanna Valley Community Fund.  He introduced Eric DeWald, a Rotarian from Berwick and ED of the fund and Billy Robinson, a member of the SAYF Board and the Selinsgrove Area School District Board.  Kendra Aucker, Chair of the Scholarship Committee, acknowledged the work of High School Counselor Chris Lupult in the selection process and introduced Brianne Culp (SUN Tech recipient who plans to attend Penn College for a Bus. Mgt. degree); Gabe Robinson (will attend Elizabethtown College for a degree in History/Secondary Education); Zack Dale (plans to attend Penn State as an Engineering or Physics major); and Trevor Kerstetter (who will attend Gettysburg College as a Bio or Chem major, eventually pursuing a medical degree).  Tenth grader Roxanne Seltzer presented a short practice speech entitled, “Disappearance of the American Farmer” in preparation for a state wide public speaking competition, followed by a Q & A period.   Members were impressed by her knowledge and delivery.  Her mother, Nancy, was present for the occasion.  Other guests included Bob Steinburg from the Downtown Lewisburg Club and two visitors from Brazil – friends of Leo Mendonca – Claudio and Teo.

Announcements: June 2 – Downtown Lewisburg’s golf tournament.*Club’s Annual Chicken Barbeque will occur on June 7, tickets were distributed (10 dinner/6 halves) per member, money to be returned by June 5; sign-up sheet for volunteers for the 7th is being circulated. **Rotary Foundation contributions due by June 30.

Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared information about Shelter Boxes being delivered to Myanmar successfully distributed to Cyclone victims, without local government intervention.

Sergeant-at-arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday to John Stokinger; from Mike Flock (for Art Bowen – student guests and leaving early and for self – Youth in Philanthropy program, 4.0 for daughter); Kendra Aucker (high school guests, daughter Sarah has selected American for college, and today’s track meet); Hal Dunkelberger (90 plus year old father to a Rotary meeting); Fred Johnson, proud superintendent (for students, Chris Lupolt, Billy Robinson, and wonderful school district); Joyce Anderson (students); Marv Rudnitsky (Kelly Smith selection to US Olympic Team); Bob Soper (making up a $1 and visit to SUN Vo Tech to give Brianne her scholarship); John Fischer (golf committee, and wife and son well); Don Harnum (for Fred Johnson’s donation of barbeque tickets to Haven Ministries and $3000 donation to park); Konrad Kempfe (trip to son’s); Nelson Bailey (Middleschool concert last night); Mike Hayes (Chris Lupolt’s work, Biilly Robinson, Dottie and Amy on the radio for the SSDC, and leaving early); John Bickhart (guests and good fellowship and 6 more meetings); Mary Peterheaensel (presiding at NC wedding); Toby Skinner (Kelly’s selection to the Olympics); Leo Mendonca (the internet and his guests); and Earl Ferster (way over $15 and sell those barbeque tickets).

Future Programs:       &nbsp

May 29 – Mike Damiano and Pastor Bill Miller will talk about their mission trip to Panama. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 5 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 12 – Henrietta Loube, History Professor, introduced by Leo Mendonca, will speak about New South Africa. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. (or Rotary Family Picnic)

June 19 – Rotary Family Picnic or TBA

Birthdays:   May 23 – Jack Roush. June 29 – Tom Rambo.

Quotation:  “What can not be altered must be borne, not blamed.”            
  –Thomas Fuller, MD