Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Shares
Vol. 81, No. 46 President – John Bickhart Editor – Dottie Anderson *************************************************************************************
This Week: May 29, 2008 – Rotarian Mike Damiano and Pastor Bill Miller will talk about their mission trip to
May 22, 2008 – Thirty-three Rotarians were present for this meeting of good fellowship and celebration of 38 year member Rotarian Jack Rousch’s 90th birthday. Joyce Anderson arranged for and provided a cake in celebration of Jack’s day. Jack read a poem written by his wife, Dottie, which accompanied a gift of 91 lottery tickets. Shane Hendricks is asking for help at Rotary Field this upcoming week, especially Friday or Saturday with raking infield and installation of diamond tech. Committee making decision about two sided sign to be put on the score board will meet after this meeting to confirm a decision between two different signs. Mike Hayes convened a meeting of the 08 -09 leadership team following the regular meeting. Members will want to note that there will be no meeting on July 3 (because of 7/4 holiday) and the first Club Assembly for the new Rotary year will be July 10. If any member has ideas to share with the incoming Avenue of Service Directors, please tell the appropriate director before June 13.
Announcements: June 2 – Downtown Lewisburg’s golf tournament.*Selinsgrove Club’s Annual Chicken Barbeque will occur on June 7, tickets have been distributed (10 dinner/6 halves = $94) per member, money to be returned by June 5; sign-up sheet for volunteers for the 7th is being circulated. SELL THOSE Tickets!**Rotary Foundation contributions due by June 30.
Acting Sergeant-at-arms: Konrad Kempfe collected fines as follows: from Jack Roush for his 90th birthday; Art Bowen (Jack’s BD, Jeff E’s golf and bald head; Fred’s contract extension; Mike F’s new job); John Bickhart (Jack, Joyce for the cake, Daily Item’s knowledge); Paul Spiegel (Jack, Fred’s super superindendency); Mike Flock (new job and driving the Corvette on the speedway at 140 mph); John Reed (dog sitting and birth of 7th grandchild); Joyce Anderson (Jack and Fred); Mike Damiano (Jack, Mike and track success of child); Fred Johnson (thanks for living here, and Mike and Jack); Kendra Aucker (Jack, Track, Fred and Mike); Mark Johnson (Jack and memory of Mark’s mother); Jerry Rhoades (Jack and return from good trip); Don Harnum (Jim Taylor will be away for 7 days); and Earl Ferster (Jack and plus $50). Unhappy fines: picture in the paper Fred.
Future Programs:
June 5 – Shawn Felty will make a presentation about the development of the Club’s WEB page, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
June 12 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
June 19 – Rotary Family Picnic, details to be provided.
June 26 – Installation of 08-09 Officers and Directors and presentation of Paul Harris Awards, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: June 29 – Tom Rambo.
Quotation: “The ability to accept responsibility is the measure of the man.”
–Roy L. Smith