August 14, 2008


Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Make Dreams Real

Vol. 82, No. 6               President – Michael P. Hayes               Editor – Dottie Anderson *******************************************************************************

This Week: August 21, 2008 – Megan Will of the Clinical Outcomes Group will speak about “Substance Abuse among Children. A short meeting of the Board of Directors will follow. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

August 14, 2008 – Approximately forty Rotarians and guests were present as the Club hosted 15 students from Senshu University in Tokyo, Japan. They are attending a summer program at Susquehanna University studying English in this program that was started in 1986, with over 600 students have come through the program to date.  They were accompanied by Program Coordinator and Instructor, Mimi Rice, Assistant Cathy Martin, Scott McCuen (Charlie’s son) who will be in graduate school in Japan in the fall, and Susquehanna junior, Chris Dubois. The Club presented each student with a pin, a pen, information about Rotary and information from the visitor’s bureau about the Susquehanna Valley.  The service component of the program has increased this year, and in addition to visiting at Grayson View, they have worked at the Day Care Center and the Degenstein Library to help with a reading program.  Additional guests were Carol Hetherington who is one of the host families (Toby Skinner’s guest) and Tom Sigenthaler, Michael Damiano’s guest. Making 4 way test real: Jeff Edmunds experience with assistance of housing, food and funds for his parents after the devastating fire that destroyed their home.

Sergeant-at-arms:  Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday Earl Ferster and Konrad Kempfe; from Fred Johnson (back, Kelli Smith at the Olympics, and school will open on schedule); Mike Damiano (his guest and Ireland vacation); Dottie Anderson (Toby’s teaching); Mike Hayes (guests, Jeff Edmunds and parents, Leo and Konrad’s work on Brazil matching grant); John Fischer (Senshu visitors); Joyce Anderson (Senshu and SU visitors); Hal Schriver (25th anniversary of daughter and son-in-law); Bob Soper (Senshu visitors); Mary Peterhaensel (Senshu guest and missing last week); Mimi Rice (thanks for the invitation); Marv Rudnitsky (missed last week celebrating 42nd wedding anniversary); and Earl Ferster ($20 plus and happy to be here).                  .

Announcements: The Club website is *Toby Skinner will have the “world bank” this week and will fill in the chart started by Bob Soper ($21.60 so far). Currently, proceeds are designated toward Polio-Plus goal.**John Fisher has begun circulation of the sign up sheet for help with the golf tournament. ***Club is considering using

Market St.

Festival as the time to do the “purple pinkie” program to raise awareness for Polio Plus.


Future Programs:                              

Aug. 28 – An International Education Program presented by Prof. Henrietta Loub, Unisia University, South Africa. Leo Mendonca is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Sept. 4 – New Member Classification/Vocational talks. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Sept. 11 – Gary Grossman, Publisher of The Daily Item, will be the speaker.  Kendra Aucker will edit the Newsletter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Sept. 18 – Lisa Wehr, Educator from PA Cancer Education Network, speaker. SVCC, 11:45 am.

Birthdays:  August 30 – Jay Lemons.  Sept. 3 – Tom Gates; 5 – John Fischer; 9 – Hal Schriver; 24 – Don Summers, Jr.

Quotation:  “The essence of true friendship is to make allowance for another’s little lapses.”               David Storey