Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Make Dreams Real
Vol. 82, No. 1 President – Michael P. Hayes Editor – Dottie Anderson *************************************************************************************
This Week: July 17, 2008 – Roy Kissinger, District Chair, and Michael Damiano, Club Chair, will speak about the Rotary Foundation. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
July 10, 2008 – With President Michael Hayes presiding, thirty-one Rotarians were present for the first Club Assembly of the new Rotary year. Art Bowen, Chair of Membership, inducted Dr. Donald Tripp with the assistance of his sponsor, Hal Dunkelberger. Dr. Tripp, a retired physician and father of Donna Shuck, has been a Rotarian for 40 plus years before relocating to this area. Past President John Bickhart was given the opportunity to review the accomplishments of his year as President. Saying he “loved it” and giving thanks to many club members who provided assistance, John was given a standing ovation by the members. Divided into the four avenues of service, each group discussed existing committee structure and ways to simplify it in accordance with recommendation of Rotary International plus goals for year, any budge requests, and avenue meeting programs. These suggestions were then discussed at the Board Meeting that followed the regular meeting.
Announcements: The Club website went live on July 1 – http// Check it out and follow procedures to obtain access to the membership list and information. Thank you Shawn Felty and Mick Flock .*Sheet circulating to indicate willingness to assist John Bickhart with Hotdog Night at the Gazebo, July 22 at 7:30.**Mike Damiano reports final total of $4800 sent to Rotary International Foundation.***Bob Fogle reports that we made $3563.97 on the Chicken Barbeque – a record.****John Fischer report golf sign up sheets will be available soon for tournament scheduled for 9/15.*****Art Bowen attended District Membership meeting and reports 11 more members needed to reach 1000.******Joyce Anderson and Mike Hayes attended the DG’s installation.
Sergeant-at-arms: Konrad Kempfe collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Joyce Anderson; from Art Bowen (grandson born 7/4); John Fischer (record Chicken Barbeque results); John Bickhart (7th birthday of granddaughter); Hall Dunkelberger (John Bickhart’s successful year as president); Mike Damiano (trip to Ireland); Tom Gates (grandson’s trip to Yankee’s game); John Reed (leaving early and barbeque results); Fred Johnson (school building project underway, Earl’s leaving early and plus 15); Mary Peterhaensel (successful cataract surgery); Konrad Kempfe (hostage release) and Mike Hayes (Shawn Felty’s tournament proceeds gift to the SSDC and for a 4 way test reality check); John Bickhart (actually live it out); Hal Dunkelberger (Joyce’s decorations and always going extra mile as a fine example).
Future Programs:
July 24 – Susquehanna Greenway Project, Gary Bloss, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
July 31 – District Governor James Gruber’s official visit, followed by a brief Board Meeting with the DG. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Aug 7 – Polio Plus Program, Konrad Kempfe. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Aug 14 – Club hosts 14 student visitors from
Birthdays: July 19 – Hal Dunkleberger. August 10 – Tom Stem; 15 – Kendra Aucker; 16 – Earl Ferster & Konrad Kempfe; 30 – Jay Lemons.
Quotation: “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” Ralph Waldo Emerson