Sept. 4, 2008

                                        Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                                        Make Dreams Real

Vol. 82, No. 9                      President – Michael P. Hayes                       Editor – Dottie Anderson  


This Week: September 11, 2008 – Gary Grossman, Publisher of The Daily Item, will be the speaker. Kendra Aucker will edit the newsletter.  SVCC, 11:45 a.m. A regularly scheduled Board of Director’s meeting follows.


Sept. 4, 2008 – Thirty-one Rotarians and guests were present to hear classification/vocational talks by new to Selinsgrove Rotary Members, Dr. Donald Trapp and Atty. Charlie McCuen. Dr. Trapp moved to this area to be near his daughter and grand children following retirement and some health issues.  His undergraduate career was at Univ. of Pittsburgh followed my medical school at Temple. Specialties included surgery, pathology and urology. In addition he was in the military reserve and served as a flight surgeon.  The military career facilitated a lot of world travel as a flight surgeon. In retirement he has taken up painting and photography.  The Club is delighted to welcome Dr. Trapp’s daughter, Donna Shuck back from her leave of absence as a Club Member.  Attorney McCuen relocated to Selinsgrove following his marriage to Sharon Cressinger. A father of three and grandfather of two, he spent most of his career in the law in Philadelphia. Now three weeks past hip surgery, his convalescence has given him lots of reflection time on his family, past and present. We ran out of time, so Charlie will finish his presentation at a later date. Living the 4 Way Test examples: Fred Johnson noted that the Selinsgrove teachers have decided to donate the proceeds of their dress down day to the Polio Plus project. Guests: Visiting Rotarian Tammy Hunsinger from the West Snyder Club with guest Jennifer Johnson, new head Librarian at the Selinsgrove Branch.

Announcements: The Club website is *John Fisher announced that there are 21 foursomes and 18 hole sponsors (including a $2000 Platinum sponsorship in memory of Carolyn) for the 9/15 SAYF Golf Tournament. The sign up sheet for help with the golf tournament was circulated. All Rotarians are urged to keep the SAYF in our thoughts as a worthy place for philanthropic gifts. It was noted that Donna Shuck will be working at the Susquehanna Valley Community Foundation as a Development Director.** Joyce Anderson announced the birth of the Kenawell’s daughter earlier this week – Addison Delaney Davis Kenawell – an addition to the Welsh population.  A card is being circulated.***President Mike announced that at the Special Board Meeting held last week it was decided that the Selinsgrove Club would not join with the Sunbury Club in circulating the petition to be sent to Gov. Rendell about the “hibernation” of the 11&15 thruway project.  The decision is based on the recommendation of Rotary International, and following a review of the language in the Constitution and By-laws. It is the board’s conclusion that it is inappropriate for Rotary to take a corporate position on a political matter.  We will instead seek to educate about the importance of the project and the related issues in a future program.

Acting Sergeant at arms: Jeff Edmunds collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Tom Gates and John Fischer, fines collected – in addition to birthday, from John for his weekend guests, from Tom for John’s successful surgery and Bob Soper and John’s work on the SAYF golf Tournament; from himself (kayaking with son and eagle citing as well as being quicker than Harnum); Mike Flock (SAYF and Donna joining the staff of the SVCF); Hal Dunkelberger (attendance); Don Harnum (SAYF, no badge, 50th high school reunion and the girls from Bristel, Maine; SU’s new class and new golfers); John Stokinger (missing last week and make up at Nashville, TN club of 400+); Art Bowen (having Donna back, John’s successful surgery, and the Welsh connections); John Bickhart (exciting Boro times re building feasibility study, 40th wedding anniversary, part Welsh); Mary Peterhaensel (visit with grandchildren, part Welsh); Nelson Bailey (wife’s trip and return); Fred Johnson (good start to the school year and event at Friday’s game to honor Kelli Smith, Ryan Shu
ck’s football success at Ohio State); Jeff Reber (referral to Club membership from Lewisburg and rooting differently tomorrow night); Bob Soper (for Donna’s return, John’s successful surgery and just for happy); Earl Ferster (way over $15 and happy).

Future Programs:                              

Sept. 18 – Lisa Wehr, Educator from PA Cancer Education Network, speaker. SVCC, 11:45 am.

Sept. 25 – Marv Rudnitsky will speak on Wills and Trusts.  Kendra Aucker will edit the newsletter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 2 – Vocational tour and lunch at Sunbury Generation in Shamokin Dam, hosted by Tom Gates. Sign up sheet will be circulated.

Oct. 9 – Club Assembly. Web Management on the agenda presented by Shawn Felty. John Stokinger will edit the newsletter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 16 – Coaches Night with the Sunbury Rotary, Dinner at 6:00 p.m., Edison Hotel, Sunbury. Sign up sheet will be circulated. Newsletter editor needed.

Birthdays:  Sept. 9 – Hal Schriver; 24 – Don Summers, Jr.  Oct. 12 – Steva Stowell-Hardcastle; 22 – John Reed

Quotation:  “We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other.”           Luciano de Crescenzo