Sept. 18,2008

                                        Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                                        Make Dreams Real

Vol. 82, No. 11                      President – Michael P. Hayes                       Editor – Dottie Anderson  


This Week: Sept. 25, 2008 – Rotarian Attorney Marvin Rudnitsky will speak about Wills and Trusts. Kendra Aucker will edit the newsletter.  SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Sept.18, 2008 – Twenty-three Rotarians were present along with Lisa Wehr, Educator with the PA Cancer Education Network, who spoke about prostate cancer.  Attendees were asked to complete a pre (and post) test to determine knowledge about this disease.  Tom Bickhart introduced our speaker, note here credentials as a health educator.  Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the US and is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in Penna.  Risk factors include age, family (brothers or father with disease), being African American, and a diet high in fat.  Unless risk factors exist, screening should begin at age 50 with a PSA blood test and/or digital rectal exam.  A diet high in fruits and vegetables, living a healthy lifestyle (exercise and weight control), not abusing tobacco or alcohol or other substances, and getting screened are recommended ways to help avoid prostate cancer.  Four way test examples: Mike Hayes – generosity and trust in the Selinsgrove post office and The Light Barn; Evangelical employees Dress down Day proceeds ($100) going toward Polio Plus goal; John Fischer and all who worked on the Golf Tournament. 

 Announcements: John Fischer announced that close to $17,000 (a record high) was raised during the Selinsgrove Rotary Club Golf Tournament held this past Monday. The DG and his wife were present and helpful throughout the day.*A sign-up sheet is being circulated for assistance at the Rotary Booth at the

Market Street

Festival, Saturday, Sept. 27.  We will be both educating about Polio Plus with the purple pinkie project and selling ice cream. **Dottie Anderson presented Club with flag from Las Vegas Rotary Club she attended last week.***Bob Soper’s Rotary history moment: 1966 Interact Club at Selinsgrove High School – John Bickhart was Secretary.****Toby Skinner – progressive dinner Sunday in Selinsgrove for $45 – four restaurants participating.*****Northwestern Mutual contributed $1000 to the general fund of the Club in memory of Carolyn Fischer.  John and his sons will determine use, perhaps for something at the Rotary Field or the Commons area.******Club submitted two district simplified grant apps (Ken Miller/Rotary Field and Leo Mendonca for Selinsgrove Commons). Club has received thank you notes/letters from Mimi Rice and Senshu students, for participate in Ecuador project, from Katrina Krebs for free enterprise week support.  Printed copies of the 08-09 Calendar were distributed.

Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared information about the Rotary Club of Daytona Beach West project to provide water tank for a village in Guyana.  Dr. Andrea Thorpe, a Rotarian, involved the club in this project after traveling to Guyana on a Volunteer Service Grant and learning the specifics of the problems and a “solution” of providing water tanks where rain water can be gathered and stored during the 6 months of the rainy season, thus providing safe water during the dry times.

Acting Sergeant at arms: Jeff Edmunds collected fines as follows: Tom Gates (Oregon trip and thanks to John Fischer); Mary Peterhaensel (Golf); John Stokinger (leadership institute retreat); Art Bowen (Heart walk support); Jerry Rhoades (missing Monday); Hal Dunkelberger (family visiting during weekend); John Bickhart (speaker and Marv’s e-mail expression of thanks to John Fischer); John Fischer (Ken Miller being on hand all day); Konrad Kempfe (outer banks trip); Don Harnum (11th hole challenge and $475 raised for Big Brothers/Big Sisters); Bob Soper (prize donors); and Mike Hayes (Earl’s plus $15).

New Member Prop
Jennifer Johnston, Director of the Selinsgrove Library, Children’s Librarian sponsored by John Stokinger.  Any objections should be given to President Mike Hayes within 7 days of this notice.

Future Programs:                              

Oct. 2 – Vocational tour and lunch at Sunbury Generation in Shamokin Dam, hosted by Tom Gates. Sign up sheet will be circulated. If you miss signing up on the sheet, call Joyce Anderson at 743-5745 to register.

Oct. 9 – Club Assembly. Web Management on the agenda presented by Shawn Felty. John Stokinger will edit the newsletter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 16 – Coaches Night with the Sunbury Rotary, Dinner at 6:00 p.m., Edison Hotel, Sunbury. Sign up sheet will be circulated. Newsletter editor needed.

Oct. 23 – Michael Piecuck, Chief of Staff to the Speaker of the House Representative Dennis O’Brien, will be the featured speaker. John Stokinger will edit the newsletter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 30 – Joseph McGranaghan, member of the Government Affairs Committee of the GSV Chamber of Commerce, will address the Club on the Susquehanna Valley Thruway Project. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Nov. 6 – Hospice Care / SUN Home Health CEO Steve Richards, Jan Wilson hosts. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:  Sept. 24 – Don Summers, Jr.  Oct. 12 – Steva Stowell-Hardcastle; 22 – John Reed

Quotation:  “Every great person has first learned how to obey, who to obey, and when to obey.”           William Ward