Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Make Dreams Real
Vol. 82, No. 20 President – Michael P. Hayes Editor – Dottie Anderson
This Week: November 27, 2008 – No meeting, its Thanksgiving Day. Have a good one.
Next Week: December 4, 2008 – Speaker will be Rotarian L. Jay Lemons, President of
Nov. 20, 2008 – Thirty-three Rotarians and guests were present to hear Jess Scott’s presentation on behalf of SEDA-COG about energy conservation. Quick tips for every home owner to save money include: unplug appliances when not in use (all those green light’s use energy); don’t leave computer on 24 hours a day; replace light bulbs with “curly ques:” as needed, replace with energy star appliances. Jess shared information about renewable energy possibilities for home owners as well as grants and rebates from the state. Both solar and wind are good resources in central PA. Those interested in more information are urged to stay informed about many programs offered by SEDA-COG – both free and fee for service, including home energy assessments. President Elect Jeff Edmunds presided because President Mike Hayes has laryngitis. Bill Bowen installed new member Pat Pinkowski, with the assistance of her sponsor, Ken Miller. She was a Rotarian in Stroudsburg before relocating to the Selinsgrove area. Her classification is Health Care Administrator.
President Elect Edmunds convened the annual meeting for the purpose of electing the 2009-10 Officers and Directors. Those elected are: President: Jeff Edmunds; President Elect: Fred Johnson; Vice President: Leo Mendonca; Secretary: John Stokinger; Treasurer: Ken Wagner; Community Service: John Bickhart; International Service: Konrad Kempfe & Leo Mendonca; Vocational Service: Tom Gates; Club Service: Joyce Anderson and Mike Hayes; Past President: Michael Hayes; Selinsgrove Recreation, Inc: terms till 2012 – Cathy Kline and Shane Hendricks. Marv Rudnitsky moved and John Fischer seconded the motion that closed nominations and elected slate by acclimation. .
Announcements: Rotarians are asked to sign up for time to help at a Purple Pinkie Polio Plus event on Nov. 22 at
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Paul Spiegel; from himself (his third daughter’s marriage this past weekend); John Fischer (Al Sobol on WKOK and Paul and Judy Spiegel for sponsoring last evenings After Hours); Art Bowen (celebrating 65th with grand children and becoming eligible for Medicare); Ken Miller (ducking bucks on the Colorado hunting trip); Jack Rousch ($3000 to fix damage of deer running into car); Paul Spiegel (happy to be back); Mike Damiano (happy to be back, 17th wedding anniversary, and accomplishments of children); Donna Long (late and on site space shuttle experience); Mike Hayes (4 Way Test examples – Tom Gates, Ken Miller and Leo for success in obtaining District simplified grant of $750 for the Selinsgrove Commons and $250 for Rotary Field; and Earl Ferster’s plus $15); John Reed
(travel and recovery from flu); Jim Taylor (granddaughter’s success at soccer); Bob Fogel (report that Earl Ferster is home and asking to be in our prayers); John Fischer (keep the Regester family in our prayers); Mary Peterhaensel (her son Benjamin her as guest and being late); Kendra Aucker (daughter in honor society and being late); and Don Summers (late).
Future Programs:
Dec. 11 – Dr. Juan Delgado, Trip to
Dec. 18 – Family Holiday Party, guests welcome, 6:00 p.m., SVCC. Sign up sheet will be circulated.
Dec. 25 – Christmas Day. No Meeting.
Jan. 1 – New Year’s Day. No Meeting.
January 8 – Club Assembly followed by “undecorating.” Kinfolks, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Dec. 5 – Judy Spiegel; 8 – Charlie McCuen; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky, Jeff Edmunds; 15 – Nelson Bailey; 30 – Dottie Anderson; 31 – Donna Long.
Quotation: “If a fellow isn’t grateful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.” Frank A. Clark