Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Make Dreams Real
Vol. 82, No. 21 President – Michael P. Hayes Editor – Dottie Anderson
This Week: December 11, 2008 – Speaker will be Dr. Juan Delgado, talking about his trip to
Dec. 4, 2008 – Thirty plus Rotarians and guests were present to hear L. Jay Lemons, President of Susquehanna University give a classification talk and provide information about Susquehanna. Jay has been Susquehanna’s President for the past 8 years, following 12 years in
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Announcements: Members are asked to donate money or purchase gifts for our Christmas Family. Presents needed for a 2, 3, and 8 year old. Either give money to Joyce Anderson to purchase present, or bring gift to 12/18 holiday party. Joyce has a needs/wants list.**Don Summers, Mike Damiano and several others assisted in the distribution of dictionaries to 3rd graders. Jeff circulated the thank you notes received from the students.**Mike Damiano reminds members to make their Rotary Foundation donation before the end of the year.****Bob Soper shared Club history with information about the “penny a pound” airplane ride fund raiser held in 1971.*****Ken Miller continues to look for someone to clear snow on the side walks around Rotary Field – any leads will be appreciated, especially if they cost less than $80 to $100.******Art Bowen presented Ken with his “I’ve got mine” sticker.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: from Jeff Edmunds (early BD and business expansion); Jeff Reber (back and guest); Earl Ferster (picture in paper roasting chestnuts, health and happiness); John Bickhart (Tuesday success); John Stokinger (Vermont make-up and remaining young); Jim Taylor (new grandson); Don Harnum (SAYF generosity); Charlie McCuen (new grandchild expected); Jay Lemons (John Bickhart and White Christmas events); Mary Peterhaensel (family for Thanksgiving); Steva Stowell Hardcstle (Milton High School students trip to Cambodia); Bob Soper (progress for the swimming pool); Nelson Bailey (gave 3 of 4 children home for Thanksgiving); Fred Johnson (football tomorrow night and building project – wear red).
New Member Proposal: Mr. William Clark, retired CPA, sponsored by Bob Soper. Bill was with Fisher, Clark and Lauer, a partner of long time Selinsgrove Rotarian Norm Lauer. Any objections should be conveyed to President Mike Hayes w
ith in 7 days of this notice.
Future Programs:
Dec. 18 – Family Holiday Party, guests welcome, 6:00 p.m., SVCC. RSVP to Joyce Anderson by 12/11. Entertainment will be provided the members of the Selinsgrove High School Chorus and Band…
Dec. 25 – Christmas Day. No Meeting.
Jan. 1 – New Year’s Day. No Meeting.
January 8 – Club Assembly followed by Selinsgrove “undecorating.” Kinfolks, 11:45 a.m.
January 15 – Classification/Vocational talks. Kinfolks, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Dec. 8 – Charlie McCuen; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky; 15 – Nelson Bailey; 30 – Dottie Anderson; 31 – Donna Long.
Quotation: “Goodness is uneventful. It does not flash, it glows.”
David Grayson