December 4, 2008

                     Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                           Make Dreams Real

Vol. 82, No. 21                   President – Michael P. Hayes    Editor – Dottie Anderson  


This Week: December 11, 2008 – Speaker will be Dr. Juan Delgado, talking about his trip to Peru.  SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Dec. 4, 2008 – Thirty plus Rotarians and guests were present to hear L. Jay Lemons, President of Susquehanna University give a classification talk and provide information about Susquehanna.  Jay has been Susquehanna’s President for the past 8 years, following 12 years in Virginia, 8 as Chancellor of the Wise Campus of UVa.  He was born and raised in Scotts Bluff, Nebraska (the panhandle), the oldest of 5 children, and both of his parents were educators.  He went to Nebraska Wesleyan for college, earning an MA at the University of Nebraska and a doctorate from the University of Virginia.  His wife Marsha and he have 4 children.  Susquehanna is celebrating it 150th anniversary and Jay shared lapel pins and souvenir postcards with those in attendance.  Currently at 2087 students, there are plans to grow to 2300.  Capital improvements continue (housing and the science building), as well as curricular changes to the core, increasing diversity, and extending the reach and reputation of the college.  The University and Selinsgrove are increasingly cooperative with one another and realize each needs the other in order to thrive.  Jeff Reber introduced his guest, Brian Derr, who will manage the local Mifflinburg Bank branch.  Jeff Edmunds presided. Jeff Edmunds shared postcards from Berlin and Prague from Leo Mendonca.

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Announcements: Members are asked to donate money or purchase gifts for our Christmas Family. Presents needed for a 2, 3, and 8 year old.  Either give money to Joyce Anderson to purchase present, or bring gift to 12/18 holiday party.  Joyce has a needs/wants list.**Don Summers, Mike Damiano and several others assisted in the distribution of dictionaries to 3rd graders.  Jeff circulated the thank you notes received from the students.**Mike Damiano reminds members to make their Rotary Foundation donation before the end of the year.****Bob Soper shared Club history with information about the “penny a pound” airplane ride fund raiser held in 1971.*****Ken Miller continues to look for someone to clear snow on the side walks around Rotary Field – any leads will be appreciated, especially if they cost less than $80 to $100.******Art Bowen presented Ken with his “I’ve got mine” sticker.


Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: from Jeff Edmunds (early BD and business expansion); Jeff Reber (back and guest); Earl Ferster (picture in paper roasting chestnuts, health and happiness); John Bickhart (Tuesday success); John Stokinger (Vermont make-up and remaining young); Jim Taylor (new grandson); Don Harnum (SAYF generosity); Charlie McCuen (new grandchild expected); Jay Lemons (John Bickhart and White Christmas events); Mary Peterhaensel (family for Thanksgiving); Steva Stowell Hardcstle (Milton High School students trip to Cambodia); Bob Soper (progress for the swimming pool); Nelson Bailey (gave 3 of 4 children home for Thanksgiving); Fred Johnson (football tomorrow night and building project – wear red).

New Member Proposal:  Mr. William Clark, retired CPA, sponsored by Bob Soper.  Bill was with Fisher, Clark and Lauer, a partner of long time Selinsgrove Rotarian Norm Lauer.  Any objections should be conveyed to President Mike Hayes w
ith in 7 days of this notice.

Future Programs:                              

Dec. 18 – Family Holiday Party, guests welcome, 6:00 p.m., SVCC. RSVP to Joyce Anderson by 12/11. Entertainment will be provided the members of the Selinsgrove High School Chorus and Band…

Dec. 25 – Christmas Day. No Meeting.

Jan. 1 – New Year’s Day. No Meeting.

January 8 – Club Assembly followed by Selinsgrove “undecorating.” Kinfolks, 11:45 a.m.

January 15 – Classification/Vocational talks. Kinfolks, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays:  Dec. 8 – Charlie McCuen; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky; 15 – Nelson Bailey; 30 – Dottie Anderson; 31 – Donna Long.

Quotation: “Goodness is uneventful. It does not flash, it glows.”     

                                         David Grayson