Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Make Dreams Real
Vol. 82, No. 28 President – Michael P. Hayes Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: Feb. 12, 2009 – Rotarian Leo Mendonca will present a program on his November trip to
Feb. 5, 2009 – Thirty-three Rotarians and guests were present as we returned to the Susquehanna Valley Country Club and heard scholarship recipients’ presentations about PA. Free Enterprise Week experiences. In Hal Schriver’s absence, Kendra Aucker introduced Guidance Counselor Chris Lupolt and high school juniors Katie Krebs and Molly Aucker. An intense one week program in which participants hear speakers who are in business as well as participate in a simulation in which they are responsible for running a company, both Molly and Katie report that they learned about working in a team and how much impact a single decision can have on the success or failure of a business. Rotarians were thanked for their continuing support of this program.
Announcements: The secretary position for the ‘09-‘10 Board is open. It is a position which requires a person who is computer literate and proficient with e-mail and able to provide data and reports to Rotary International and District 7370 via the computer. PLEASE SPEAK WITH President Elect, Jeff Edmunds asap if you are interested in this position. *Mike Flock requests nominations for this year’s Distinguished Service Award by February 9 – nomination forms are available.**New member orientation is scheduled Monday, Feb. 16 at the Art and Karen Bowen’s, 20 Meadowbrook Drive at 7 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. If you have joined during the last two Rotary years, this will be your first opportunity to participate in this program. Partners welcome. Please RSVP to Art.***from the Board: EFFECTIVE WITH TODAY’S LUNCH, COSTS HAVE BEEN RAISED BY THE SVCC. CONSEQUENTLY, WEEKLY MEAL COST WILL NOW BE $11.00.
Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Shawn Felty; from himself (thank you to the Spiegel’s for hosting the Club at Kinfolks); Art Bowen (births of fifth grandchild and successful foot surgery); Chris Kenawell (being back and healthy baby girl); Mike Hayes (eto welcome Chris back and for our guests); John Fisher (golfing with Tom Gates); Tom Gates (golfing with John and winning); John Bickhart (for another enlightened male – Mike – who irons); Kendra Aucker (guests and Hal Schriver); and Earl Ferster (Chris’s office renovation and plus $15).
Future Programs:
February 19 – Principal Terry Heintzelman presents Summer Seals Day Camp evaluations. Newsletter Editor Kendra Aucker. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
February 26 – Lynn Miller, CAO of Geisinger, Danville Campus, speaking about the hospital for advanced medicine now under construction. Newsletter Editor Mike Flock. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
March 5 – Andrew Miller, Executive Director of Susquehanna River Visitors Bureau will speak on “Trends of the Valley” SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
March 12 – James Gruber, District Governor, will be the speaker for “Pin Day”. All Rotarians are encouraged to wear your Rotary Pins. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: February 11 – Michael Hayes; 21 – Donald Trapp; 25 – Mark Johnson. March 1 – Al Sobel; 7 – Bill Bucher; 12 – Jeff Reber; 15 – Mary Peterhaensel; 20 – Fred Johnson; 22 – Brian Burke; 31 – Ken Miller.
Quotation: “I don’t like to commit myself about heaven and hell—you see I have friends in both places. Mark Twain