Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Make Dreams Real
Vol. 82, No. 30 President – Michael P. Hayes Guest Editor – Kendra Aucker
Next Meeting: Feb. 26, 2009 – Lynn Miller, Chief Administrative Officer, at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, will speak on the Hospital for Advanced Medicine. Mike Flock will edit the newsletter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Feb. 19, 2009 – Thirty-nine Rotarians and guests were present to hear Terry Heintzelman, Principal of the Selinsgrove Intermediate School, present data evaluating the Seals Summer Day Camp. Terry showed comparative statistics on multiplication fact comprehension, problem solving, oral reading fluency, and reading comprehension between the at-risk students attending summer camp and a control group of at-risk students not attending. In all categories, the PSSA scores rose significantly from the measurements taken prior to camp attendance. The success of the program has been tremendous and Terry shared survey comments from parents and students. “If only we had one more hour a day,” and “It made going back to school so much easier. It made me a better 4th grader.” Guests this week were Madie Ede, Student of the Month; High School Math teacher, Don Wilhour; Erin Herbert Hayes, a 1999 Rotary Scholarship recipient; Past Rotary District Governor, Bob Mertz; Larry Santorre, of Berwick; and Bethany Edmunds, Jeff’s wife. President Michael thanked Art Bowen and John Fischer for making the 4 Way Test real in acknowledgement of their efforts in conducting the new member orientation. Thanks to Jerry Rhoads for increasing the Polio Plus Globe by $26. New members present today: Bill Clark and Pat Pinkowski.
Announcements: The secretary position for the ‘09-‘10 Board is open. PLEASE SPEAK WITH President Elect, Jeff Edmunds ASAP if you are interested in this position. *Art Bowen provided Bob Soper with his “I Got Mine” pin for bringing in new member, Bill Clark. **Bob Soper announced that he is helping the District Governor encourage members to attend the District Conference. ***Konrad Kempfe distributed information about the Shelter Box the Club provided this year. ****Past District Governor Mertz updated the Club on a membership event occurring March 27th & 28th; the need for District Governor nominees for 2011 and 2012; the upcoming PETS training in Danville on March 21st; the District Assembly on May 16th, and for the first time a 4-man scramble golf tournament will be held following the District Conference.
Acting Sergeant at Arms: Konrad Kempfe collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Michael Flock; Art Bowen (guest, “Brain Gain” in having Erin return to the area, and Coast Guard alum ); Jeff Edmunds (wife, the establishment of their new settlement business, and great school district); Fred Johnson (guests, leave early, and Mr. Heintzelman); Pat Pinkowski (great new member orientation event); Michael Damiano (dictionary project in the Intermediate School, Madie Ede and the District Cross Country championship, and fellow motorcycle safety partner, Bethany); John Reed (weather-related stories); Bill Clark (fantastic American Spiritual Ensemble program at SU); Joyce Anderson (two grandchildren in the schools and remembering Paul Stine on his birthday); Don Harnum (glad to be back, two great weeks of vacation, and being seated next to Wolfe Blitzer); Mike Flock (photo in BU alumni publication and fine for Earl Ferster); and Michael Hayes (great orientation and thanks to all for Summer Seals Day Camp support).
Future Programs:
March 5 – Andrew Miller, Executive Director of Susquehanna River Visitors Bureau will speak on “Trends of the Valley” SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
March 12 – James Gruber, District Governor, will be the speaker for “Pin Day”. All Rotarians are encouraged to wear your Rotary Pins. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
March 19 – “Wreaths for Veterans” presented by Chris Kerwin and John Deppen. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
March 26 – John Bohn, SUN Area Vocational & Technical School, will be our speaker. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 2 – Tour of the new Emergency Room facilities, Sunbury Community Hospital. Our host is Emily Kissinger.
Birthdays: 25 – Mark Johnson. March 1 – Al Sobel; 7 – Bill Bucher; 12 – Jeff Reber; 15 – Mary Peterhaensel; 20 – Fred Johnson; 22 – Brian Burke; 31 – Ken Miller.
Quotation: “Make yourself necessary to somebody.” Ralph Waldo Emerson