March 12, 2009

                     Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                                        Make Dreams Real

Vol. 82, No. 33                    President – Michael P. Hayes          Editor – Dottie Anderson  


Next Meeting: March 19, 2009 – “Wreaths for Veterans,” presented by Chris Kerwin and John Deppen.  Daffodils will be distributed to those who ordered them. SVCC – 11:45 AM.


Mar. 12, 2009 – Thirty-two members and guests were present for District Governor James Gruber’s visit. On this special “Pin Day”, two new members were inducted: Brian Derr, Branch Manager of Mifflinburg Bank and Trust (sponsor Jeff Reber) and Michael Piecuch, Executive Director of the PA. District Attorney Association (sponsor Mike Hayes).  Art Bowen conducted the installation with the assistance of the DG and the sponsors.  Other guests: DG Elect Carl Askew and Darcy Gruber, the DG’s spouse. DG Gruber spoke about the upcoming District Conference, April 24-26 at Split Rock Lodge and the full Friday to Sunday program. He urged members to attend.  District 7370 met its 1000 goal on membership at the end of December, but has since had attrition which lowered active members to 979.  DG Elect Askew is seeking a team leader for the next GSE Team which will be visiting Thailand in March of 2010. President Michael recognized two 4 way test examples: Fred Johnson’s letter posted on the School District Web site and the Club’s $1600 check for Polio Plus program presented to the DG.

Announcements: A sign up sheet is circulating for the Distinguished Service Award Dinner, April 16 – please invite your guests and mark your calendar to attend this special Rotary Event.*See Bob Soper for additional information and encouragement about attending the District Conference.**Rotary hats available, see Konrad Kempfe. ***Sheet circulated by Earl Ferster for ordering Daffodil’s in support of the Cancer Society fund raiser.****The Board has approved a 1 year leave for Brian Burke and a 6 month leave for Leo Mendonca. The Board will be asking for member approval of a new fund raiser, The Board has appointed Hal Dunkelberger as 09-10 Club Secretary.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday for Jeff Reber; 28th membership in Rotary anniversary for Earl Ferster; Bob Soper (yearbook “embarrassment” for Art Bowen); John Fischer (Myrtle Beach and golf); Art Bowen (back to attending and foot recovering); Joyce Anderson (DG and spouse, and Carl Askew, and Earl’s 28th); Jeff Reber (new member, birthday); John Reed (Dr. Johnson’s letter, 25th wedding anniversary); Fred Johnson (state championships in swimming); Charlie McCuen (no pin on pin day, dance lessons and golf); DG Gruber (happy to be here and granddaughter working on establishing Roteract at her college); Earl Ferster (Fred, everyone’s good wishes, 28 years, and way plus $15); and Don Summers (not really late).             .

Future Programs:                              

March 26 – John Bohn, SUN Area Vocational & Technical School, will be our speaker.  SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 2 – Lunch and Tour of the new Emergency Room facilities, Sunbury Community Hospital. Host: Tom Gates April 9 – Sue Greene, Associate Director, Penn State Continuing Education, The Penn State University. Host: John Bickhart. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 16 – Distinguished Service Award Dinner, 6:00 p.m., SVCC.  Guests welcome. Don Harnum, MC.  Sign-up sheet circulating. All Rotarians are urged to attend this special event in the Rotary year. 

Birthdays:   March 20 – Fred Johnson; 22 – Brian Burke; 31 – Ken Miller.  April 7 – Bob Soper, Ken Wagner; 20 – John Bickhart; 23 – Jim Taylor; 28 – Bob Fogle.

Quotation: “Knowledge alone is not enough. It must be leavened with magnanimity before it becomes wisdom.”  Adlai E. Stevenson