April 30, 2009

                     Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                                        Make Dreams Real

Vol. 82, No. 40                    President – Michael P. Hayes        Editor – Dottie Anderson  


Next Meeting: May 7 – The Snyder County Commissioners will be present to provide the program.  Paul Spiegel will serve as host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 30, 2009 – Dr. Alicia Jackson, Dean of the Sigmund Weis School of Business of Susquehanna University, spoke about “weathering the storm” of the difficult economic times for business. As a business owner reviews the revenues vs. expenses of the business, careful attention to eliminate non-essential expenses, while preserving jobs, make indicate the need to negotiate with employees re benefits, job sharing, etc, as well as negotiating with suppliers.  Discretionary expenses for marketing and travel can also be reduced to the point that that reduction doesn’t eliminate business.  On the income side, look for win/win with suppliers and those you supply and explore partnerships, even with competitors.  Don’t forget the resource that is available at the University by way of student interns or faculty expertise. Paul Spiegel served as host, introducing Dr. Jackson and Janice Briggs, who has been an intern at Kleinbauer’s through out her college years.  She and Mike Hackenberg, Jim Taylor’s guest, both graduate from SU in May.  Mike will be joining the army following graduation.

Announcements: Savor Selinsgrove fund raiser is scheduled for Saturday, May 30, ticket cost is $20.*Selinsgrove Area Youth Foundation special event – June 4.**The Club received a first place for its Web Site and an special recognition for the Summer Seals Day Camp at the District Conference.  President Mike and the Sopers attended and enjoyed the experience.***EREY time again – reminders provided by Mike Damiano.

Sergeant at arms: Konrad Kempfe collected happy fines as follows: Bob Fogel’s birthday; from Mary Peterhaensel (Charlie’s 1 yr. anniversary); Brian Derr (son and daughter have just scored first soccer goals of the season – and he’s the coach); Hal Dunkelberger (Joyce and chocolate treats); Hal Schriver (granddaughter’s graduation with a BS in nursing); Bob Soper (District Conference and memorial to Carolyn Fischer); Dottie Anderson (watching Holland tulips grow and please donate to SSDC); Charlie McCuen (didn’t go to Mexico with Stokinger’s); Judy Spiegel (Kim’s wrestling); Mark Johnson (back and for Don Harnum and the silver paint); Johns Fischer (memorial for Carolyn); Nelson Bailey (granddaughter’s softball success); Mike Hayes (District Confernce shared with Bob and Vi, basket donations and raising money for student exchange, becoming a Rotarian); and Earl Ferster (plus $15).

Future Programs:                              

May 14 – Selinsgrove Area School District Highlights, 08-09, presented by Superintendent Dr. Fred Johnson. SVCC, 11:45 A.M.

May 21 – ’08-’09 Scholarship recipients will provide the program. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

May 28 – Judy Speigel will speak about the work of Selinsgrove Projects, Inc. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 5 – Richard Smith, Chief Operations Officer, Evangelical Comm. Hospital. Kendra Aucker hosts. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:  May 15 – John Stokinger; 23 – Jack Roush

Quotation: “Marrying in the hopes of avoiding conflict and loneliness is like jumping in a lake to avoid getting wet.”   Michael Levine