Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Shares
Vol. 82, No. 48 President – Michael Hayes Editor – Dottie Anderson
This Week: July 2– Formal installation of ’09-’10 President-elect Jeff Edmunds and a classification speech. Michael Hayes will edit the newsletter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
June 25, 2009–Thirty-three Rotarians, including District Governor Jim Gruber & his wife, Darcy, witnessed Bob Soper install the ’09-’10 Rotary Officers as follows: President- Jeff Edmonds*; Past President- Michael Hayes; President-elect- John Stokinger; Vice President- Donna Schuck; Secretary- Hal Dunkelberger; Treasurer- Ken Wagner*; Club Service Director- Joyce Anderson; Community Service Director- John Bickhart*; Vocational Service Director- Tom Gates*; International Service- Konrad Kempfe; Selinsgrove Recreation Director- Shane Hendricks*; and Selinsgrove Recreation Director- Cathy Kline*. (*denotes in abstentia) Bob focused on the commitment of the group to lead in the coming year to the new RI theme “The Future of Rotary is Now.” Michael Hayes thanked all members for the positive work of the Club this past year in “Making Dreams Real.” He paid his last happy fine as president in honor of the whole group.
Michael Damiano recognized Konrad Kempfe and John Stokinger as Paul Harris Fellows for their support of the Rotary Foundation. Mike Flock helped accelerate John to this level as a “pay it forward” acknowledgement of what Joyce Anderson did for him.
District Governor Gruber thanked the Club for its support of him and the District. He presented the Club with the Presidential Citation from Rotary International for 2008-2009.
Announcements: President Michael Hayes announced that Leo Mendonca withdrew his name from nomination for Vice President. The Board voted to put forth Donna Schuck as the nominee. REMINDER- July 21st is our hotdog
Sergeant-at-arms: Konrad Kempfe collected fines as follows: Pat P – belated birthday; Art Bowen-in honor of Michael Hayes, sunshine & trip to Chicago; John Stokinger-camping with grandchildren; Mike Flock- visit with daughter; John Fischer- in honor of Michael & glad to see Don Harnum return; Fred Johnson- recent visit to his previous school district, former colleague was a multiple Paul Harris fellow, & photo in newspaper; Don Harnum- glad to be back and in honor of Michael; Toby Skinner- trip to Peru with family; Bob Soper- heading to the “shack” with his family; Paul Spiegel- in honor of Michael & daughter’s 13th birthday; Charlie McCuen- honor of Michael & son accepted as a grad student in Tokyo; Nelson Bailey- son and family visiting from Illinois; Konrad- in honor of Michael; and Earl Ferster- in honor of Michael.
Future Programs:
July 9 – Carl Askew, new DG, will be the speaker. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
July 16 – TBA. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
July 23 – TBA. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
July 30 – TBA. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: July 6 – Joyce Anderson; 18 – Leo Mendonca; 19 – Hal Dunkleberger.
Quotation: "Embrace the unpredictable and go exploring for things that inspire you.” Bradley Trevor Greive