Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands
Vol. 83, No. 8 President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: August 27, 2009 – Sharon Koppel, from Snyder
August 20, 2009 – A dozen or so Rotarians and a guest were present for an informal (formal one cancelled by President Edmunds’ call to the Country Club, courtesy of Penn Dot road work that made it “impossible” to make it to the SVCC) presided over by VP Donna Shuck. Mike Hayes introduced his guest, Diane Alderson, Capital Region Manager for First National Bank. The Board of Directors meeting will need to be rescheduled. Joyce Anderson will be calling Shoba Kumar in order to reschedule her presentation. Joyce presented a candy bar to Donna for her third anniversary as a Rotarian.
Announcements: Hayes family will be host an SU family for parent’s weekend as a Club fund raiser. Please tell Mike if you would be able to help on Family Weekend in the event he receives additional requests.*Second Movie Night in the Commons is scheduled for 8:30 p.m., Thursday, August 27. Bring a chair, something to drink and good humor for a night with the Three Stooges.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday sung to Earl Ferster and Konrad Kempfe; from Mike Hayes for his guest and generosity of Tom and Anne Gates to SSDCampers); Don Summers (happy to be here); Mark Johnson (missed meetings and happy to be back); and himself (newspaper editorial).
Future Programs:
Sept. 3 – TBA, Toby Skinner, responsible for program; Hal Dunkelberger greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Sept. 10 – TBA, John Fischer greeter; Ken Miller responsible for program. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Sept. 17 – TBA, Mike Hayes greeter, Don Harnum responsible for program. Newsletter Editor needed. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Sept. 24 – TBA, Mike Flock greeter; Konrad Kempfe responsible for program. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: August 30 – Jay Lemons. September 3 – Tom Gates; 5 – John Fischer; 9 – Hal Schriver; 24 – Don Summers.
Quotation: “There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy.” Robert Louis Stevenson