Sept. 3, 2009

             Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                          The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Vol. 83, No. 10                 President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds                 Editor – Dottie Anderson  


Next Meeting: Sept. 10, 2009 Alison Stevenson, from SEDA-Cog will speak about Revitalizing River Towns, as arranged by Ken Miller. John Fisher serves as greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

September 3,  2009 – Approximately 25 Rotarians and guests were present to hear Shoba Kumar describe her experiences as a District 7370 GSE Team member this April to South Korea. Visiting in South Korea, the team spent about a month visiting sites and Rotarians.  Shoba noted that Rotary is quite important and prestigious in South Korea. As a vegetarian she found the food a bit of a challenge but especially enjoyed her opportunity to both teach and learn dance at a University. Guests included John Thompson, Art Bowen’s guests, the Reibschiebs; and Mary Peterhaensel’s son Benjamin. A Board meeting followed.

Announcements: John Fischer announced Golf Tournament scheduled for Monday, Sept. 14 – hole sponsors, prizes (give to Bob Soper), players being sought for this SAYF and other projects fund raiser. Sign up sheet will be circulated for volunteers to work the day.*Tell Mike Hayes if you are able to host guests in your home for the Beds for a Cause program for SU’s family weekend – last weekend in October. **Joyce Anderson gave John Bickhart (for delivery) Mike Flock’s 7 year anniversary candy bar and gave Marv Rudnitsky two candy bars for his 33rd year in Rotary anniversary.***Tom Gates will be looking for 4 or 5 volunteers to help move and assemble artificial Christmas trees on 11/29 for Tree Fest.****Rotarians responsible for arranging a program are asked to tell Pat Pinkowski the name and topic as it is confirmed.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: from John Fischer for his birthday (and another one for the golf committee and his favorite bd cards); Mary Peterhaensel (her son’s and being here and becoming interim pastor for a second church – so much for retirement); Art Bowen (his guests and last wedding for the season in West Va.); Pat Pinkowski (grandchildren and football); Donna Shuck (with borrowed money from her father for a year in which 3 will graduate from college and two from high school);  Charlie McCuen (5 week trip to the UK); Don Harnum (college kids back & years coaching, and volunteers at East Snyder Park who painted bleachers); Jerry Rhoades (Cape Cod trip); Joyce Anderson (everyone back in school); John Bickhart (41st wedding anniversary); and Earl Ferster (good weather and plus $15).

Proposed new members: John Thompson (sponsored by Joyce Anderson), a retired physician and former Bloomsburg Rotarian who now resides in Winfield and Diane Alderson (Mike Hayes sponsor), Manager at M & T Bank.  Any objections should be conveyed to Jeff Edmunds within 10 days of this notice.

Future Programs:                              

Sept. 17 – Don Harnum has arranged for Debbie Steifel, SU’s VP for Enrollment Mangement, to be the speaker. Mike Hayes will be the greeter and the Newsletter Editor. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Sept. 24 – Susana Falck, member of the Muncy Rotary Club and Chair of the District 7370 Grants Committee will be the speaker. Program arranged by Konrad Kempfe. Tom Gates to serve as greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 1 – Mike Damiano will speak about his African Mission Trip (tentative). Pat Pinkowski will serve as greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 8 – Bob Soper responsible for program. Fred Johnson to serve as greeter.
SVCC, 11:45a.m.

Birthdays:  September 9 – Hal Schriver; 24 – Don Summers. October 11 – Cathy Kline; 12 – Steva Stowell Hardcastle; 22 – John Reed.

Quotation: “Responsibilities gravitate to the person who can shoulder them.”                           Elbert Hubbard