Sept. 17, 2009

             Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                          The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Vol. 83, No. 12                 President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds               Guest Editor – Michael Hayes


Next Meeting: Sept. 24, 2009Susana Falck, member of the Muncy Rotary Club and Chair of the District 7370 Grants Committee will be the speaker. Program arranged by Konrad Kempfe. Tom Gates to serve as greeter. SVCC,

September 17, 2009 – Twenty-seven Rotarians and a guest (Diane Alderson – approved for membership) were present to hear Deb Stieffel, Vice President for Enrollment Management at Susquehanna University, provide a personal introduction as well as overview of the university’s history and vision for the future. Deb relocated here in June ’07 from New Orleans and Loyola University, where she served as Dean of Admissions. Currently SU enrollment stands at 2200 full-time students hailing from 30 states, DC and several foreign countries. Looking toward the future, SU envisions enrollment growth to 2350 students by 2013, and the university has put in place an “integrated” communication strategy to convey the Susquehanna Promise, which encompasses three core messages: 1) excellent academics; 2) total collegiate experience; and 3) demonstrated outcomes. Additionally, SU has established a new central curriculum that serves as the university’s foundation academically and experientially. Of note, Deb commented about the “Go Program” (as part of the central curriculum), which requires all students to engage in a cross cultural experience beyond the campus and local community during their tenure at SU. This element of the university’s curriculum resonates with Rotary’s focus on international service. Joyce Anderson recognized Judy & Paul Spiegle’s and Shawn Felty’s 3rd anniversaries as a Rotarian with a large candy bar.


Announcements: Art Bowen reported on Dave Bernstein’s health status; *John Bickhart circulated a sign up sheet for workers at the Market Street Festival, 9/26, and to provide baked goods (under specific conditions – please check with John); ***Tell Michael Hayes if you are able to host guests in your home for the Beds for a Cause program for SU’s family weekend – last weekend in October; ****Tom Gates is looking for 4 or 5 volunteers to help move and assemble artificial Christmas trees on 11/29 for Tree Fest;*****Rotarians responsible for arranging a program are asked to tell Pat Pinkowski the name and topic as it is confirmed by calling 374-2630.


Acting Sergeant at arms:  Marvin Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Hal Schriver (b-day and birth of grandchild); Marv R. (missed last week for wedding and unveiling of friend’s portrait in Pittsburg); Tom G. (John Fischer and outstanding golf tournament); John F. ($2400 checks rec’d today and gifts for golf tournament; Ken M’s extraordinary help); Art B. (golf tournament and Heart Walk with granddaughter); Toby S. (golf tournament putting contest… WOW to Art B.); Don S. (golf tournament score and late fine); Kendra A. (daughter taking train to Yale to see Kristen Krebs play field hockey against Harvard); Ken M. (hats off to John F. and his golf committee); and Judy S. (thanks for chocolate bar to Joyce A.); and Earl F. ($40+).


Good News of Rotary:  In District 7120 fifty-eight (58) Rotary clubs worked with children, putting jars in schools to collect pennies for PolioPlus. Their efforts reportedly raised a significant amount of money toward polio eradication.


Future Programs:

Oct. 1 – Mike Damiano will speak about his African Mission Trip. Pat Pinkowski is our greeter. SVCC,

Oct. 8 – Dr. Mauricio Figueroa of Betz Opt homology Assoc. will be our speaker. Fred Johnson is our greeter. SVCC,

Oct. 15 – Keri Albright, ED of the GSVUW will be the speaker. Bob Soper is the greater. SVCC,

Oct. 21 (Wednesday) – Coaches’ Night. John Reed is our greeter. SVCC,

Oct. 29 – Charles Ross, President and CEO, Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce will be the speaker. Cathy Kline is our greeter. SVCC,

Birthdays:  September 24 – Don Summers. October 11 – Cathy Kline; 12 – Steva Stowell Hardcastle; 22 – John Reed.

Quotation: “Mankind is our business.” RI Past President Richard King’s  RI theme