Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands
Vol. 83, No. 13 President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: Oct. 1, 2009 – Michael Damiano will speak about his African
September 24, 2009 – Forty-three Rotarians and guests (Mauricio Figueroa, Konrad’s guest; Student of the Month, Courtney Lessner, who was introduced by Science Teacher, Tracy Hepner, who was in turn introduced by Fred Johnson – Courtney, as a senior is attending SU and has received AP credit in Chemistry, she intends to study medicine at Vanderbilt or the Univ. of Chicago; Gail Burd, John Fischer’s fiancé; Jeff Reber, visiting Rotarian and guest Justin Troup, Manager of the Selinsgrove branch of Mifflinburg Bank) were present for a presentation by Susana Falck, Chair of District 7370 Grants Committee and a member of the Muncy Rotary Club. This was an inspiring talk about the matching grant projects in
Announcements: Tell Mike Hayes if you are able to host guests in your home for the Beds for a Cause program for SU’s family weekend – last weekend in October. *Tom Gates is looking for 4 or 5 volunteers to help move and assemble artificial Christmas trees on 11/29 for Tree Fest.**Rotarians responsible for arranging a program are asked to tell Pat Pinkowski the name and topic as it is confirmed by calling 374-2630.***John Bickhart reminds us of the times we signed up to work at the Market St. Festival on Saturday and circulated a sign up sheet for donations of baked goods for sale.
Sergeant at arms: Marvin Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday (and late) fine for Don Summers; from Ken Miller (Dawn’s successful back surgery); Mike Hayes (Susana Falck, Diane Alderson, lunch with John and Tom running); Mike Flock (happy to be back and functioning and daughters PA graduation and new job); John Fischer (lunch with Mike and 10/3 wedding date); Nelson Bailey (wife a citizen and tax payer); Fred Johnson (building 82% done, Dec. open house, and guests); Bob Soper (sporting goods certificates); John Stokinger (Red Sox win); Mary Peterhaensel (reptile show and family visit); Pat Pinkowski (husband’s return to good health); Art Bowen (Karen up and about though on crutches & golf lesson); and Earl Ferster (+++$15 and Susana).
Future Programs:
Oct. 8 – Dr. Mauricio Figueroa of Betz Opthomology Associates will be the speaker, as arranged by Bob Soper. Fred Johnson is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45a.m.
Oct. 15 – Mike Flock has arranged for Keri Albright, ED of the GSVUW to be the speaker, Bob Soper is the greater. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Wednesday evening, Oct. 21– Coaches’ Night with the Sunbury Rotary Club, John Reed is greeter. 6:00 p.m., SVCC.
Oct. 29 – Charles Ross, President and CEO, Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce will be the speaker. Cathy Kline serves a greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: October 11 – Cathy Kline; 12 – Steva Stowell Hardcastle; 22 – John Reed.
Quotation: “…I think there should be a combination plan entered into by federal, state, and city governments to promote the health of our nation.”
Eleanor Roosevelt