Sept. 24, 2009

             Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                          The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Vol. 83, No. 13               President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds                      Editor – Dottie Anderson  


Next Meeting: Oct. 1, 2009 Michael Damiano will speak about his African Mission Trip. Pat Pinkowski will serve as greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

September 24, 2009 – Forty-three Rotarians and guests (Mauricio Figueroa, Konrad’s guest; Student of the Month, Courtney Lessner, who was introduced by Science Teacher, Tracy Hepner, who was in turn introduced by Fred Johnson – Courtney, as a senior is attending SU and has received AP credit in Chemistry, she intends to study medicine at Vanderbilt or the Univ. of Chicago; Gail Burd, John Fischer’s fiancé; Jeff Reber, visiting Rotarian and guest Justin Troup, Manager of the Selinsgrove branch of Mifflinburg Bank) were present for a presentation by Susana Falck, Chair of District 7370 Grants Committee and a member of the Muncy Rotary Club. This was an inspiring talk about the matching grant projects in Ecuador in cooperation with churches and Rotary Clubs. Projects have included installation  of 28 Water Purification Systems in schools (5 Rural schools completed last year with 5 more scheduled for this year); water purification system for a community of 400 people; work at Day Care Centers; Psychiatric Centers; Rehabilitation Center for Mentally and Physically Handicapped (P/T equipment); a Home for Displaced and Disabled Elderly; an Occupational Center for Disabled, and a Social Rehabilitation Center (a prison build for 75 that houses 220 inmates) needed help for an infirmary and job training. Clubs can participate in this District Project for $2000 to $5000. Konrad Kempfe arranged for this special program.  Art Bowen inducted two new members: Diane L. Alderson, Assistant VP & Area Manager for FNB (Mike Hayes sponsor) and Dr. John Thompson, retired physician and former Bloomsburg Rotarian (Joyce Anderson sponsor. Joyce Anderson presented Jack Rousch with a giant candy bar in recognition of his 23rd anniversary as a Rotaria

Announcements: Tell Mike Hayes if you are able to host guests in your home for the Beds for a Cause program for SU’s family weekend – last weekend in October. *Tom Gates is looking for 4 or 5 volunteers to help move and assemble artificial Christmas trees on 11/29 for Tree Fest.**Rotarians responsible for arranging a program are asked to tell Pat Pinkowski the name and topic as it is confirmed by calling 374-2630.***John Bickhart reminds us of the times we signed up to work at the Market St. Festival on Saturday and circulated a sign up sheet for donations of baked goods for sale.

Sergeant at arms:  Marvin Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday (and late) fine for Don Summers; from Ken Miller (Dawn’s successful back surgery); Mike Hayes (Susana Falck, Diane Alderson, lunch with John and Tom running); Mike Flock (happy to be back and functioning and daughters PA graduation and new job); John Fischer (lunch with Mike and 10/3 wedding date); Nelson Bailey (wife a citizen and tax payer); Fred Johnson (building 82% done, Dec. open house, and guests); Bob Soper (sporting goods certificates); John Stokinger (Red Sox win); Mary Peterhaensel (reptile show and family visit); Pat Pinkowski (husband’s return to good health); Art Bowen (Karen up and about though on crutches & golf lesson); and Earl Ferster (+++$15 and Susana).

Future Programs:                              

Oct. 8 – Dr. Mauricio Figueroa of Betz Opthomology Associates will be the speaker, as arranged by Bob Soper. Fred Johnson is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45a.m.

Oct. 15 – Mike Flock has arranged for Keri Albright, ED of the GSVUW to be the speaker, Bob Soper is the greater. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Wednesday evening, Oct. 21– Coaches’ Night with the Sunbury Rotary Club, John Reed is greeter. 6:00 p.m., SVCC.

Oct. 29 – Charles Ross, President and CEO, Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce will be the speaker. Cathy Kline serves a greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:  October 11 – Cathy Kline; 12 – Steva Stowell Hardcastle; 22 – John Reed.

Quotation: “…I think there should be a combination plan entered into by federal, state, and city governments to promote the health of our nation.”

                                       Eleanor Roosevelt