Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands
Vol. 83, No. 15 President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: Oct. 15, 2009 – As arranged by Mike Flock, Keri Albright, President of the GSVUW, will be the speaker. Bob Soper will serve as greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
October 8, 2009 – Twenty Rotarians, including new members Diane Alderson and John Thompson, were present to hear an interesting presentation on
Announcements: Tell Mike Hayes if you are able to host guests in your home for the Beds for a Cause program for SU’s family weekend – last weekend in October. *Tom Gates is looking for 4 or 5 volunteers to help move and assemble artificial Christmas trees on 11/29 for Tree Fest.**Rotarians responsible for arranging a program are asked to tell Pat Pinkowski the name and topic as it is confirmed by calling 374-2630. ***The Halloween Parade is 10/20, chaired by Donna Shuck and Art Bowen, needing about 6 volunteers to distribute candy.****See Hal Dunkelberger for information about the 10/17 Rotary Foundation Seminar and donations for the Rotary float in the Rose Bowl Parade.
*****The book selected for Tree Fest is Andy and Elmer’s Apple Dumpling Adventure, written by Andrew Shoup for the
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: from Tom Gates (trip to Paris and John Fischer’s wedding), John Thompson (VP for the SV Amateur Ham Radio Club); Ken Miller (hunting in Colorado and Selinsgrove Field Hockey); Bob Soper (Fischer wedding and Garden Club Award for Anthony Selin Park Garden); Jerry Rhoades (surviving the Street Fair); Toby Skinner (Connie’s progress); Konrad Kempfe (his guest); Jeff Edmunds (Florida, 6 bands one spouse); Marv Rudnitsky (Coastal Maine trip); Hal Dunkelberger (for Earl’s +$15).
Future Programs:
Wednesday evening, Oct. 21– Coaches’ Night with the Sunbury Rotary Club, John Reed is greeter. 6:00 p.m., SVCC. Twenty-six Sunbury Rotarians already signed up. Sign up sheet circulating.
Oct. 29 – Charles Ross, President and CEO, Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce will be the speaker. Cathy Kline serves a greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Nov. 5 – “Magical Enlightenment” as arranged by Hal Dunkelberger, Don Harnum serves as greeter. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.
Nov. 12 – TBA – Kendra Aucker arranges program. Ken Miller serves as greeter. 11:45 a.m., SVCC
Nov. 19 – TBA – Shawn Felty arranges program, Toby Skinner serves as greeter. 11:45 a.m., SVCC
Birthdays: October 11 – Cathy Kline; 12 – Steva Stowell Hardcastle; 22 – John Reed. Nov. 2 – Chris Kenawell; 6 – Donna Shuck; 8 – Jerry Rhoads; 15 – Art Bowen; 29 – Paul Spiegel.
Quotation: “Would you live with ease, do what you ought, and not what you please.” Benjamin Franklin