Nov. 19, 2009

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                          The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Vol. 83, No. 21               President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds                      Editor – Dottie Anderson  


No Meeting Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26.

Next Meeting: December 3, 2009 – Earl Ferster has arranged a program about Pearl Harbor featuring John Deppen.  Jennifer Johnston serves as greeter. A Board Meeting follows. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.    

November 19, 2009 – Approximately 25 were in attendance for the Club’s Annual Meeting. President Jeff Edmunds presided.  Mike Hayes representing the Nominations Committee presented the following slate for 2010-11: President – John Stokinger; President-Elect – Donna Shuck; Vice President – Pat Pinkowski; Secretary – Hal Dunkelberger; Treasurer – Ken Wagner; Past President – Jeff Edmunds; Directors: Joyce Anderson, Club Service; John Bickhart, Community Service; Konrad Kempfe, International Service; Mark Johnson, Vocational Service. Selinsgrove Rec., Inc nominees for terms running to 2014: Shane Hendricks and Toby Skinner.  Don Summers moved, John Reed seconded that the nominations be closed. The slate was elected by acclamation.  The ’09-10 budget was reviewed and discussed. Suggestions for requests for changes should be given to President Jeff by 12/3 prior to the Board of Directors meeting since the board will act on the budget at that meeting.  Ask Jeff for a copy of the budget is you were not present today. Guests and presentations at the meeting included John Fischer’s guests – visiting Rotarian Amy Solomon and SU Lacrosse Coach, Stewart Moan (who presented John with an $850 donation to the SAYF from the 4 team Lacrosse tournament held at SU); Art Bowen’s guest Dean Bohartz of Energy Solutions, and Bob Soper’s guest and former Rotarian, Tom Stem. Tom presented Red Cross Board Member Bob Soper with a $1000 check for the Snyder Ct. Red Cross Thanksgiving Meals program.

Announcements: Eight from Selinsgrove Club (Pat & Bill Pinkowski; Bob & Vi Soper, Mike Hayes, Joyce Anderson, Toby Skinner, Dottie Anderson) attended the Rotary Foundation Dinner at Tedd’s on the Hill last night in support of  DG Carl Askew.*Remember to visit Tree Fest 12/1 to 12/18 at All Staints. The Club book selected for Tree Fest is Andy and Elmer’s Apple Dumpling Adventure, written by Andrew Shoup for the Fairborn, Ohio Rotary Club Literacy Project. Committee includes Pat Pinkowski, Joyce Anderson’s granddaughter, Toby Skinner and Dottie Anderson.**Hal Schriver is circulating a sign up sheet for Rotarians to Ring the Bell for the Salvation Army this holiday season. One more volunteer is needed for 12/1 late shoppers night.***January meetings will be held at BJ’s in Selinsgrove.****Art Bowen has arranged for Hawk;s to remove the remaining leaves from Rotary field and is hopeful they will do this in future years.*****November is Rotary Foundation month and Mike Damiano reminds members of EREYexpectation.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows:  Happy Birthday Art Bowen, and from himself (missed last week); Ken Miller (thanks for leaf raking, Seals Field Hockey in state finals, Doctor son’s accomplishments); Mike Hayes (Foundation dinner and two Selinsgrove Club recognitions – receipt of Simplified Grant to support summer movies in the Commons and Polio Plus certificate, and “intimate” occasion with Joyce; and Barbara’s birthday); Hal Dunkelberger (Mike Hayes if gives him lessons); John Fischer (guests, $5000 from Golf Tournament presented to AYSO for building, Ecuador mother visiting exchange student); Bob Soper (Walmart donation to Red Cross, granddaughter basketball success at Del Val, and if Mike tells the rest of the story); Dottie Anderson (Tom Stem and Walmart Foundation donation to SSDC); Mike Flock (remembering AYSO coaching days and beginning of women’s team);  Mike Damiano ( Dictionary Project and Don Summers work on it and daughter’s induction into honor society); John Reed (healthy and back), and Earl Ferster (+15 and successful turkey hunt)


Future Programs:                    &nbsp

Dec. 10 – Konrad Kempfe presents a Rotary video – SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Dec. 17 – Christmas Dinner and Party – 6 p.m. Cash Bar; 6:30 p.m. dinner. Art Bowen hosting. SVCC. Guests, partners welcome. Sign-up sheet will be circulated.

No Meeting Dec. 24 or Dec. 31.


Birthdays:  Nov. 29 – Paul Spiegel. Dec. 5 – Judy Spiegel; 8 – Charlie McCuen; 30 – Dottie Anderson; 31 – Donna Long.

Quotation: “The opportunity to practice brotherhood presents itself every time you meet a human being.               Jane Wyman