Jan. 7, 2010

             Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                          The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Vol. 83, No. 25               President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds                      Editor – Dottie Anderson  


Next Meeting: January 14, 2010 – Classification talk by Diane Alderson. BJ’s in Selinsgrove. 11:45 a.m.   

January 7, 2010 – Thirty-five plus Rotarians and guests were present at BJ’s for Dr. John Thompson’s classification talk. A Radiologist (diagnostic interpreter) for 29 years before “retiring,” John is a graduate of Brown University and Jefferson Medical School, followed by an internship and fellowship at the Univ. of Pittsburgh. A 100% referral practice, radiology has changed considerably over his years of practice. “Famous” in ham radio, participant in barbershop quartets, and a writer, John is the father of four and a grandfather of five. Guests: Jeff Edmund’s guest, Emily Kissinger; Tom Gate’s guest, Gary Charles.

Announcements: Rotary member anniversaries: Joyce Anderson and Michael Damiano – 10 years; Jeff Edmunds – 6 years.*Sign-up sheet for Urban Rural Night will be circulated next week. **John Reed urges any group in need of volunteers should be in touch with him and he will refer the need to Drug Court volunteer coordinator.***Next Board Meeting will be Feb. 4.****Selinsgrove’s skating rink opens this weekend – contact Shane Hendricks for details.

Sergeant at arms: Konrad Kempfe collected fines as follows: for birthdays from Dottie Anderson (70) and Michael Damiano (50); from Art Bowen (late, happy and Dave Bernstein report); Don Harnum (eagle sighting and joke); Pat Pinkowski (grandson’s accomplishments); Ken Miller (son mountain climbing and wilderness medicine); Mike Damiano (bd and golf); Dottie Anderson (bd and Asheville trip); Bill Reibschied (son’s dramatic performance); Tom Gates (40th wedding anniversary and family); Bob Soper (19 plus two dogs visiting and leaving); Jeff Edmunds (Emily Kissinger and visiting in FL); himself (Joyce’s Christmas Party décor); and Earl Ferster (plus $15 and keeping it up).

Proposed New Member: Emily Gates Kissinger, Marketing Director at Sunbury Community Hospital, sponsor – Jeff Edmunds. Any objections should be conveyed to President Jeff within 7 days of this notice.


Future Programs:                              

Jan. 21 – Classification talk by William Reibschied. BJ’s in Selinsgorve, 11:45 a.m.

Jan. 28 – Urban/Rural Night, host Jerry Rhoads. Chicken and Waffles dinner at Christ Community United Methodist Church,

3939 Park Road

, 6 p.m. Guests welcome. Sign up sheet will be circulated. 

Feb. 4 – return to the SVCC.

Feb. 11 – TBA, SVCC

Birthdays:  Jan. 14 – Don Harnum; 24 – Mike Flock. Feb.3 – Toby Skinner; 7 – Shawn Felty; 11 – Michael Hayes; 21 – Donald Trapp; 25 – Mark Johnson.

Quotation: “Big shots are only little shots who keep shooting.

                                                   Dale Carnegie