March 4, 2010

             Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                          The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Vol. 83, No. 33               President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds                      Editor – Dottie Anderson  


Next Meeting: March 11, 2010 – Dr. Gary Sojka, scientist and former President of Bucknell University, will speak about endangered livestock breed conservancy. Michael Hayes serves as host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

March 4, 2010 – Approximately thirty Rotarians and guests were present for Club Assembly and the induction of new member Emily Kissinger. President Jeff Edmunds both presided and was Emily’s sponsor. Emily was inducted by Dottie Anderson and her father, Tom Gates, assisted. Sam Brown, New England E-Club Rotarian, was present (in town to pick up his SU student daughter) and will be hosted by the Rudnitsky’s as part of the “Beds for a Cause” program. Tom Clark, who works for PBS/Frontline, was the guest of John Fischer. The members met as Avenue of Service committees and developed ideas/goals for John Stokinger’s Rotary year – 2010-11. Interest in hosting an exchange student was discussed by International Service, membership and desire for printed calendar discussed in Club Service, with both Vocational Service and Community service desiring to continue current projects.

Announcements: District 7370 Conference is scheduled for 4/16-18 at the Wyndham in Gettysburg, see Jeff or John Stokinger for additional information.*3/16 Daffodil Days – bunch cost this year is $10. **Joyce Anderson and Pat Pinkowski ask member help in identifying speakers for April, May and June. Be in touch with either Pat or Joyce. *** New Members – please share the month and day of your birth with Dottie so they can be added to the member list.

Good News from Rotary International: Konrad Kempfe shared information about Min Dong Ahn from Korea who spearheaded an international project with Mongolia – Keep Mongolia Green. This is a matching grant project that plants windbreak forests in and around the Gobi Desert. This PDG, while working on this project was in an accident that left him paralyzed. While coping with this challenge, he continues to work on the project.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows from: Michael Hayes (Sam Brown, Rudnitsky’s, Dottie’s return); Tom Gates (Emily’s induction); Sam Brown (happy to be here); Mike Flock (for Sam); John Thompson (spring coming soon); John Fischer (Emily and his guest); Dottie Anderson (26 hr. trip from Phoenix); Bill Clark (daughter and granddaughter visiting); Charlie McCuen (good health); Joyce Anderson (guests and Emily and the Patron Saint of Wales); and Fred Johnson (for Earl’s +15).  

Future Programs:                              

March 18 – “A visit with Mary Todd Lincoln” – a historic interpretation by Linda Estupinen Snook, a Civil War re-enactor and owner of LaViella Maison des Livres in Mifflinburg. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

March 25 – Judge Wayne Bromfield will speak about the Lewisburg/Bucknell partnership. Mike Hayes serves as host. Newsletter Editor needed. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 1 – TBA, Newsletter Editor needed.  SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 8 – Speaker will be Dennis Hain, new Administrative Director of SUN Career and Technology School

, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:  March 15 – Mary Peterhaensel; 20 – Fred Johnson; 26 – Bill Clark; 31 – Ken Miller. April 7 – Bob Soper and Ken Wagner; 20 – John Bickhart; 28 – Bob Fogle.

Quotation: “Don’t put your friend in your pocket.”  Irish Proverb