April 1, 2010

             Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                          The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Vol. 83, No. 37               President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds          Assistant Editor – John L. Stokinger  


Next Meeting: April 8 – Speaker will be Dennis Hain, new Administrative Director of SUN Career and Technology School, SVCC,

April 1, 2010 – 29 members and guests attended a presentation by our own Kendra Aucker.  She brought Stacie Gaul, an accountant working with Kendra on Evangelical Hospital’s expansion project.  Evan had been evaluating their future needs but economic conditions caused them to scale down some of their initial goals.  Two weeks ago they broke ground on a $32 million expansion and renovation project. $10 million of that figure will be for equipment.  They’ll be adding 8 operating rooms and renovating others (some built in 1972).  They’re creating a cardio-vascular center.  They’ll be doing interventional cardiac work and partnering with Geisinger where the more invasive surgeries will be performed.  The main hospital entrance will eventually be relocated to where Radiology is now, on the west side.   A net of 30 new parking spaces will be created after moving and reconfiguring lots.  The new construction is estimated to be completed in Jan 2012 with the renovations completed by Oct of that year.  $7.5 million should be raised from their capital campaign with the remainder financed.


All of these changes will assist with future recruitment efforts for Physicians.



*District 7370 Conference is scheduled for 4/16-18 at the Wyndham in Gettysburg, see Jeff or John Stokinger for additional information.

*Distinguished Service Award dinner will be held Thursday, April 15th at PM. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. *We’re missing the 4-Way Test Banner.  Look in your car trunk.  If you have it please notify Pres Jeff before he buys a new one. 

*Joyce A. reported on our (her) work with the Easter family. 

*Savor Selinsgrove is 5/15.  See Diane Alderson if you would volunteer to “guide” people around downtown.

*CHICKEN BBQ is 6/12.  Save the date.

*Konrad reported that the 28 member, Calgary, Canada Rotary club assisted the Children’s Wish Foundation to send 6 children and their families to the Winter Olympics.


Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows:

Ken M’s B’Day and Ken’s Denver trip.  Tom G’s grandson is golfing with him and Emily was here.  John F-had a debt repaid.  John S – Mexico trip.  Mike F – Kestrals in the barn.  Kendra-happy to be here.  Michael P – “volunteers” at E.Snyder Park.  Marv R should have paid a fine for the blond jokes.


Future Programs:                              

April 15 – 6:00 p.m. Distinguished Service Award Dinner, honoring Thomas Badman, School Board member since 1999 and active encourager of youth sports. SVCC. Sign up sheet will be circulated.

April 22 – Bucknell Basketball coach, Dave Paulson will be the speaker. , SVCC.

April 29 –   TBD                 , SVCC


Birthdays:  April 7 – Bob Soper and Ken Wagner; 20 – John Bickhart; 28 – Bob Fogle.


Quotation: "Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer." Theodore Samuel "Ted" Williams