April 8, 2010

             Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                          The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Vol. 83, No. 38               President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds                      Editor – Dottie Anderson  


Next Meeting: April 15, 2010 – Distinguished Service Award dinner honoring Thomas Badman, School Board member since 1999 and 30 plus year encourager of youth sports. SVCC, 6:00 p.m. If you’ve missed signing up, call Joyce Anderson as soon as you read this.

April 8, 2010 – Thirty plus Rotarians and guests were present to meet and hear from Dennis Hain, new (as of a year and two days ago) Administrative Director of SUN Career and Technology School. Mr. Hain presented a power point that described the programs of the school and responded to questions following his presentation. SUN Tech has 5 sending districts and has been in its New Berlin location for 40 plus years, having first started at Sunbury High School. Students can receive up to 15 college credits in the majority of programs. The quality of education preparing students “for tomorrow’s jobs” is first rate, with students receiving state and national recognition at competitions. John Fischer introduced his guest, Dr. Wesley Knapp, Mid-West District Superintendent and former Vermont Rotarian.

Announcements: District 7370 Conference is scheduled for 4/16-18 at the Wyndham in Gettysburg, see Jeff or John Stokinger for additional information.*Joyce Anderson and Pat Pinkowski ask member help in identifying speakers for June. Be in touch with either Pat or Joyce.**President Jeff announced the RI decision that Districts will now need 1300 members or face redistricting. Two open meetings are planned by the DG to answer questions and discuss on either May 12 or 19. Several plan to attend the meeting on the 12th in Northumberland.***Konrad Kempfe announced that the Shelter Box we supported arrived in Haiti in February.

Good News of RI: Konrad described a water project in Fiji completed with help from Rotarians from Geelong, Australia which ran 984 yards of water pipe to 23 homes, so that residents no longer have to carry water to their homes.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Bill Clark and Bob Soper; and from Fred Johnson (while school in session, FL vacation with wife – first ever in 41 years); John Fischer (guest and speaker); Bill Clark (DC for Easter and opening game with Pres. In attendance); Mike Damiano (daughter and choir performance in Carnegie Hall); Dottie Anderson (Portugal and Spain trip); Donna Long (back); and Earl Ferster (+15 and 55th wedding anniversary tomorrow).


Future Programs:                              

April 22 – Dave Paulson, Bucknell Basketball Coach, will be the speaker. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

April 29 – Scott Chadwick, PA Medical Society, will be the speaker. 11:45 a.m., SVCC

May 6 – Chandis Klinger will speak about the American Chestnut Tree. 11:45 a.m., SVCC

May 13 – Chris Frantz, Brodart Furniture, will be the speaker. 11:45 a.m., SVcc

Birthdays:  April  20 – John Bickhart; 28 – Bob Fogle. May 15 – John Stokinger; 23 – Jack Roush.

Quotation: “A good hope is better than a poor possession.”

                          Spanish Proverb