May 6, 2010

                                       Selinsgrove Rotary Club

           The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Vol. 84, No. 42   President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds           Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting:  May 13, 2010, 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Speaker will be Chris Frantz from Brodart Furniture. A Board of Directors meeting for both incoming and outgoing board members follows.

May 6, 2010: Approximately 25 Rotarians and a guest (Krista Summers, Don’s wife) were present to hear Chandis Klinger describe his work as a volunteer with the Penna. Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation. Pat Pinkowski hosted and introduced the speaker. Because the blight virtually decimated the tree, it is the mission of this group to restore the American chestnut in Pa. and the Mid-Atlantic area. With 5000 volunteers nationally, and 950 in the PA Chapter, they have developed a cross between the Chinese Chestnut and the Am. Chestnut that is now several generations removed from the original hybrid and is more blight resistant. It is being grown is special locations and protected areas. Joyce Anderson led a “Who am I” session – with good guesses this time.

Announcements: The 18th Annual Golf Tournament is scheduled for 9/13.*Chicken Barbeque is 6/12.*Diane Alderson circulated a sign-up sheet for folks to help at Savor Selinsgrove. Mike Hayes asked for volunteers to help set up a tent on the commons. Remember to purchase tickets for Savor Selinsgrove, held on 5/15. Proceeds help fund Rotary International projects. Call the toll free number or go on line via the Selinsgrove web site.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: himself (missing last week); Mike Flock (both daughter’s home last weekend); Don Summers (Krista being here); Joyce Anderson (to thank Bob Fogle for the birthday cake and ice cream); Mike Hayes (dinner at Fischer’s to talk about Montreal, SSDC Board and fund raising; Savor Selinsgrove promoting; and Kind Café cupcake);  Pat Pinkowski (having mother with her to celebrate Mother’s Day); John Fischer (three mothers in law who still talk to him); Bill Clark (DC trip and granddaughter); and John Thompson (radio sales).


Future Programs:

May 20 – Dina Zuga will speak about dairy farming. 11:45 a.m., SVCC

May 27 – Presentation of Scholarship Winners by Kendra Aucker, Chair of the SAYF Scholarship Committee, 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

June 3 – Speaker is Jeff Hunt, CEO of Sunbury Hospital. Bob Soper serves as host. (Note: correct program for this date.)11:45 a.m., SVCC.

June 10 – Jerry Rhoades hosts Mike Slease, Revolutionary War re-enactor. (Note: correct date for this program.) 11:45 a.m., SVCC


Birthdays:  May 15 – John Stokinger; 23 Jack Roush. No June birthdays known to the Editor.

Quotation: “Unless indoctrinated, a child is too logical to understand discrimination.”   Eleanor Roosevelt