May 13, 2010

                                       Selinsgrove Rotary Club

                                                  The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Vol. 84, No. 43   President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds           Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting:  May 20, 2010, 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Dina Zuga will speak about dairy farming.

May 13, 2010: Forty plus Rotarians and guests were present to hear Chris Frantz, Sales Manager of Brodart Furniture, speak about Brodart, a business with its headquarters in Williamsport and manufacturing plant in McElhatton, PA. Sean Felty served as host and introduced the speaker. Founded by Arthur Brady in 1939, the company has three divisions – books, furniture and supplies and does custom furniture for school and public libraries around the world (including the new Selinsgrove Elementary library). Mr. Frantz has been with the company 25 years and exhibits great enthusiasm in describing the work of the custum furniture and creative division as well as the commitment to the environment in the business practices. At the “new” and “old” Board of Directors meeting which followed, the board voted to recommend the following change in meal policy to the members. Couples who are members of the Selinsgrove Rotary Club will be assess quarterly Rotary International membership dues for each partner; however, weekly dues for meals will be assessed for one partner only. The other partner being assessed a meal fee only when both are in attendance at the same meeting. This will be discussed at the May 20 meeting and voted on at the May 27 meeting. The Board also discussed the redistricting issue and voted to express a willingness to accept whatever is determined to be appropriate by Rotary International.  Guests: Donna Long’s guest and fellow worker, Wendy; John Stokinger’s guest, Leann Clock from Susquehanna Bank (who presented the SSDC Board with a donation for summer seals following the meeting); guests of Mike Hayes – his sons, Judy Kleinbauer, and Jessica Newell (present to sell Savor Selinsgrove passports); and Tom Gates guests – Brian Smith – new manager of the SVCC and Kurt Kissinger.

Announcements: The 18th Annual Golf Tournament meeting is postponed until June 8.*Remember Savor Selinsgrove on Sat 5/15, 2-5 p.m.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday to John Stokinger; from Mike Hayes (Beds for a cause donation via the Rudnitsky’s serving as hosts, his sons and guests); John
Fischer (Gail’s birthday); Donna Long (niece’s accomplishments); Hal Dunkleberger (32 Rotarians and his father); Charlie McCuen (real estate shopping in FL and sister’s memorial); Wesley Knapp (new grandbaby on mother’s day, daughter’s graduation with MA from Clemson); Bill Clark (SVC performance); Sean Felty (speaker, Summer’s baby, John Pagana); Mary Peterhaensel (Wellsboro Rotary Club greeting); and Earl Ferster (+$15 and a walk in the woods).

Future Programs:

May 27 – Presentation of Scholarship Winners by Kendra Aucker, Chair of the SAYF Scholarship Committee, 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

June 3 – Speaker is Jeff Hunt, CEO of Sunbury Hospital. Bob Soper serves as host. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

June 10 – Jerry Rhoades hosts Mike Slease, Revolutionary War re-enactor.  11:45 a.m., SVCC.

June 17 – Free Enterprise Week program, Hal Schriver. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

Birthdays:  May 23 Jack Roush. No June birthdays known to the Editor.

Quotation: “People work best when they work with you and not for you.”   Eleanor Roosevelt