May 20, 2010

                                       Selinsgrove Rotary Club

                                                  The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Vol. 84, No. 44          President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds    Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting:  May 27, 2010, 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Kendra Aucker, Chair of the SAYF Educ. Committee will introduce this year’s scholarship recipients.

May 20, 2010: Thirty-five Rotarians and guests were present for Dina Zuga’s very interesting talk about dairy farming. The youngest of 7 children on the farm, Dina and her husband purchased the family farm from her father and continue to operate it despite the difficulties presented by government regulations and not being able to set the price of your own product. Time did not allow for discussion about the recommendation from the Board on the following: Couples who are members of the Selinsgrove Rotary Club will be assess quarterly Rotary International membership dues for each partner; however, weekly dues for meals will be assessed for one partner only. The other partner being assessed a meal fee only when both are in attendance at the same meeting. A discussion and vote is scheduled for the May 27 meeting. Fred Johnson introduced the teacher guests of the March, April and May Students of the Month, who in turn introduced the students. Bill Switala, Social Studies teacher, introduced Hope Burke and Rachel Davis. Hope plans to attend Stanford in the fall to study history and play field hockey, and eventually hopes to be a teacher. Retiring physics teacher Robert Everly, introduced Andrew Oreskovich. Andrew plans to attend Penn State and continue physics and engineering studies. He has appeared in numerous plays while in high school.

Announcements: The next planning meeting for the 18th Annual Golf Tournament is scheduled for June 8.*Rotary will host the Gazebo Hot Dog night on July 13.**Bob Fogle announced that tickets will be distributed to Rotarians next Thursday for the Chicken Barbeque, scheduled for June 12.*** Joyce Anderson distributed candy bars to Art Bowen on his 23rd year as a Rotarian, to Toby Skinner for 6 years, and to Mike Hayes for 5 years.****Hal Schriver announced that a Rotarian has anonymously contributed $250 to pay ½ of a Free Enterprise Week scholarship.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy 92nd Birthday to Jack Roush and thanks for the cake and ice cream; from Fred Johnson (his guests and a wonderful school year); Art Bowen (student guests, exhausting but wonderful grandchildren); Bob Soper (Vi’s move up from walker to cane); Mike Damiano (teachers, Rotary contribution to mission trip); John Stokinger (speaker); Jeff Edmunds (guests and Honduras trip help); John Bickhart (Judge Woefel and article about success of drug court); Pat Pinkowski (speaker); Jerry Rhoades (back); Mike Hayes (former colleagues, success of Savor Selinsgrove, Diane Alderson’s assistance); Mike Flock (court experience); Mary Peterhaensel (homes for the baby ducks, and Savor Selinsgrove); and himself (+15 and Savor Selinsgrove).  

Future Programs:

June 3 – Speaker is Jeff Hunt, CEO of Sunbury Hospital. Bob Soper serves as host. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

June 10 – Jerry Rhoades hosts Mike Slease, Revolutionary War re-enactor.  11:45 a.m., SVCC.

June 17 – Free Enterprise Week program, Hal Schriver. 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Newsletter Editor needed.

June 24 – Installation of 10-11 Selinsgrove Rotary Officers. 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Editor needed.

Birthdays:   No June birthdays known to the Editor.

Quotation: “It is better to have a hen tomorrow than an egg today.”  

                                      Thomas Fuller, MD