August 26, 2010

 Selinsgrove Rotary Club

Vol. 84, No. 9          President – John L. Stokinger      Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting:  Sept. 2, 2010 – Jason A.  Yorks, Resource Recovery Manager, Lycoming County Resource Management Services is the speaker, with John Bickhart serving as host. A new member, Scott Oliver, will be installed by DG Wydra. SVCC 11:45 a.m.

August 19, 2010:  Twenty-one Rotarians and guests (Scott Oliver and Lynn Askew) visited the Snyder County Historical Museum in Middleburg, PA., hosted by Rotarian and Museum Curator, Toby Skinner. Lunch subs were purchased from a new Selinsgrove business, Taste of Philly. John Bickhart was the lucky member who sat in the chair where he was the recipient of the Taste of Philly card which entitles him to a free sub. Lynn Askew assisted Toby in the kitchen getting food out for the crowd. The museum, with its two floors of displays, hall, and archives is completely operated by volunteers who are part of the historical society. To join the society costs $20 per year or $200 for a life-time membership. Programs this past year included the extremely well attended program by a “Teddy Roosevelt” actor. 

 Announcements: The DG has issued a membership challenge: persons who sponsor new members will be entered into a drawing for a restaurant gift certificate worth $50. ; Club Board meetings will occur on the second Thursday of every month following regular meetings; Rotary’s tree fest book for 2010 is Michael Recycle. President John announced that there will not be a Sunbury/Selinsgrove Club Coach’s night this year.

Future Programs:

Sept. 9 – As arranged by Nelson Bailey, Club will tour the new Science Building following lunch in the Garret Sports Complex at Susquehanna University. 11:45 a.m. The Sunbury Club has been invited to join us for this event. Some parking in the large lot next to Admissions, will be reserved, but members are urged to consider carpooling or walking. A Board of Directors meeting follows. Newsletter Editor needed.

Sept. 16 – Michael Damiano will speak about his mission trip, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Sept. 23 – Derick Shambach, Coordinator of Snyder County Emergency Services, will be the speake r. Hal Dunkleberger is the host, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Sept. 30 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:   Sept. 3 – Tom Gates; 5 – John Fischer; 9 – Hal Schriver; 24 – Don Summers.


Quotation:  “Friendship’s the wine of life.”  Edward Young