Sept. 2, 2010

Selinsgrove Rotary Club  

Vol. 84, No. 10   President – John L. Stokinger      Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting:  Sept. 9, 2010 – Arranged by Nelson Bailey, members will tour the new Science Building at Susquehanna following lunch in the Garret Sports Complex at ll:45 a.m.  Members of the Sunbury Club will join with us for this event. While some parking will be reserved in the lot next to Admissions, car pooling is recommended and golf carts will be available for those who need assistance. Mike Flock will edit the Newsletter.

September 2, 2010: Twenty-nine Rotarians were present for a presentation by Jason A. Yorks, Resource Recovery Manager and Recycling Coordinator at Lycoming County Resource Management Services. John Bickhart introduced the speaker and a lively session followed as, judging by the questions asked, members’ demonstrated significant interest in the topic. We Pennsylvanian’s individually create 5 lbs. of garbage every day! We must invest ourselves in the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) plus buy products made of recycled materials. Mr. Yorks indicated Selinsgrove should be proud of its recycling center and announced that the “soft” cardboards (cereal boxes, etc.) can now be included with cardboard until a separate container is provided

 Announcements: Club Golf Tournament, Sept. 13, still looking for players and hole sponsors and a sign-up sheet is circulating for workers. See John Fischer for additional information. Snyder Ct. Red Cross dinner and silent auction is Oct. 2 at Susquehanna. Bob Soper provided information about the event, purchasing tickets, etc. A Rotarian Leadership Institute is scheduled 9/25 in Ber wick, see John Stokinger for additional information. Hal Dunkleberger circulated Rotary Rose Bowl Float Information.New Member Proposal: Chad Cohrs, Superintendent Selinsgrove Area School District. Classification: Education – Administration. Sponsor: Joyce Anderson. Any objections should be share with President Stokinger within 7 days of this notice. 

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Bd to Tom Gates; and from Marv for Art and Karen’s picture in the paper and chairing of United Way Campaign; Art Bowen (UW publicity, Bill’s wife’s good health, grandkids); John Thompson (Pa Ham Radio Club Contest win); Jerry Rhoads (back and Cape Cod help); Jeff Edmunds (leaving early); Dottie Anderson (SSDC EITC donation); Mike Flock (idea of and involved with Youth Accountability Program); Mike Piecuch (successful Movie Night Program and John Bickhart’s asistance); John Bickhart (speaker and 22nd wedding anniversary, and good health for Bill’s wife); Mike Damiano (daughter at SU and Frankie’s tennis success); Konrad Kempfe (at the Outer Banks at the right time); John Reed (grandchildren and puppies); and Earl Ferster (Branson trip and + 15).

Future Programs:

Sept. 16 – Michael Damiano will speak about his mission trip, SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Board Meeting follows.

Sept. 23 – Derick Shambach, Coordinator of Snyder County Emergency Services, will be the speaker. Hal Dunkleberger is the host, new member installation. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Sept. 30 – Earl Ferster has arranged for this program on the 2010 Uganda Mission Trip presented by Lori Stebulime, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 7 – Club Assembly, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:   Sept. 5 – John Fischer; 9 – Hal Schriver; 24 – Don Summers. Oct. 11 – Cathy Kline; 22 – John Reed.


Quotation:  “Just learn your lines and don’t bump into the furniture.”     Spencer Tracy