Sept.16, 2010

      Selinsgrove Rotary Club  

Vol. 84, No. 12                               President – John L. Stokinger      Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting:  Sept. 23, 2010 – Speaker will be Derick Shambach, Coordinator of Snyder County Emergency Services. Hal Dunkleberger hosts. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

September 16, 2010: Thirty-three Rotarians and guests were present to hear Joyce O’Brien, Senior Community Liaison, Office of the Attorney General Public Protection Division speak about the Senior Crime Prevention University Program. She distributed an excellent resource booklet and described the work of her office in advocating for seniors.  1-866-623-2137 is the Senior Hotline in the Attorney General’s Office if you are concerned about a fraud or scam and are in need of assistance. DG Connie Wydra was present and installed new members Scott Oliver and Chad Cohrs with assistance from their sponsor, Joyce Anderson. Notes to the membership from the Board Meeting which followed: Appointed Nominations Committee members are Donna Schuck, Chair; Jeff Edmunds and Michael Hayes. They will report Nov. 4 and elections will be held at the annual meeting on 11/18. Market St. Festival is 9/25 and we will sell ice cream and baked goods, as well as do “Purple Pinkie” program for Polio Plus efforts. Sign-up sheet will be circulated for workers and bakers.  Announcements:  Snyder Ct. Red Cross dinner and silent auction is Oct. 2 at Susquehanna. Bob Soper provided information about the event, purchasing tickets, etc. John Fischer thanked members of the Golf Tournament Committee – Tom Gates, Art Bowen, Don Summers, Bob Soper, and all who helped at the successful event held 9/13. Proceeds were about $24,000. Thanks are extended to Nelson Bailey for arranging the program at Susquehanna. Details about Operation Warm-up District wide event in October will be available soon. Beds for a Cause – About $800 will be raised during Susquehanna’s Parent Weekend courtesy of Rotary hosts. Nov. 6 is Rotary Day at the United Nations. Tell DG Wydra if you are interested in going.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Hal Schriver and from Art Bowen (John’s work on  Golf Tournament, wonderful weather, 6th grandchild expected, Heart Walk, and Joyce’s I Got Mine sticker); Tom Gates (first grandparents day at Day Care and John’s Golf Tournament); John Fischer (Tom’s score and golf tournament); John Stokinger (SAYF and Red Sox); Donna Schuck (good weather at golf and guest speaker); Don Summers (visit with Dad and being late); Bill Clark (golf with son in law); Joyce Anderson (new members Scott and Chad); Jerry Rhoads (Cape Cod house survived Earl); Pat Pinkowski (back); Konrad Kempfe (US Gold Medal in basketball); Connie Wydra (grandkids at the shore); Marv Rudnitsky (Penn State game in Alabama); and Earl Ferster (plus 15 and information for the DG).

Future Programs:

Sept. 30 – Earl Ferster has arranged for this program on the 2010 Uganda Mission Trip presented by Lori Stebulime, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 7 – Club Assembly, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 14 – Rabbi Nina Mandel will be the speaker, hosted by Bill Reibschied, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 21 – Classification talk by Wesley Knapp, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:   Sept. 24 – Don Summers. Oct. 11 – Cathy Kline; 22 – John Reed.


Quotation:  “Pocket all your knowledge with your watch, and never pull it out in company unless desired.”     Lord Chesterfield