Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Vol. 84, No. 14r President – John L. Stokinger Editor – Dorothy M. Anderson
Next Meeting: October 7, 2010 – Marv Rudnitsky presents Rotary Minutes. Donna Schuck presides.
SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
September 30, 2010: Thirty-three Rotarians and guests were present as Lori Stebuline and Chris Sledge showed pictures and described their experiences as members of Christ Community Church’s mission team to Uganda. Helping build a wall at a school, distributing clothing to orphans, visiting the sick all proceeded the last week when 6 of 15 team members stayed an additional week. While watching a World Soccer Cup game on a TV in an Ethiopian restaurant, a terrorist group ignited a bomb, killing the Ugandan pastor and two members of the Bwaise Pentecostal Church. All six of the Americans survived, with three seriously injured. One member is still in rehab to regain full use of her leg. Earl Ferster served as host for this very inspiring program. Guests: Dawn Miller, Ken’s wife; Krista Summers, Don’s wife, and Daniella Volker, a recently returned from Brazil Rotary Exchange Student who is now a freshman at Susquehanna.
Announcements: Bob Soper announced that both clothing and coats may be donated to the Snyder County Red Cross, as part of the District’s Warm-up program. Gently used coats of all sizes can be donated the next two Thursday’s. Nominations Committee (Chair Donna Schuck and members Mike Hayes and Jeff Edmunds) will report a slate on Nov. 4, with elections held Nov. 18 at our Annual Meeting. John Stokinger thanked all who helped at the Market St. Festival. Polio Plus Purple Pinkie program raised $209.30. Bets for a Cause program raised $800 (thanks to Dottie Anderson, Toby Skinner, Art and Karen Bowen, Mike and Barbara Hayes).
Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe reported on 9/8’s International Literacy Day work by Rotary and the International Reading Association.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines from: Jeff Edmunds (wife’s birthday and advice to John S.); Art Bowen (web site launch and sitting between two good singers); John Fischer (first anniversary and motor home story); Donna Schuck (Rick on the radio); Mike Flock (high performance driving experience); John Stokinger (guest and going home); Wesley Knapp (high performance driving without getting a ticket); Chad Cohrs (daughter’s acceptance to Messiah); Michael Hayes (late, beds for a cause, polio plus); himself (singing senior moment) and Earl Ferster (guests and + $15).
Future Programs:
Oct. 14 – Classification talk by Wesley Knapp, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 21 – Free Enterprise Week program presented by Hal Schriver, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 28 – David Masser, from Sterman and Masser, will talk about potato farming, Sean Felty hosts. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Nov. 4 – TBA. Nominations Committee reports. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Oct. 11 – Cathy Kline; 22 – John Reed; Nov. 6 – Donna Schuck; 8 – Jerry Rhoads; 15 – Art Bowen.
Quotation: “The last pleasure in life is the sense of discharging our duty.”
William Hazlitt