Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Vol. 84, No. 15 President – John L. Stokinger Editor – Dorothy M. Anderson
Next Meeting: October 14, 2010 – Classification talk by Dr. Wesley Knapp. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 7, 2010: Twenty Rotarians and a guest (CalleyWarman, Donna Schuck’s daughter) were present as Marv
Rudnitsky presented Rotary around the World. Marv shared information about “simple” ideas that turn in to great
Rotary humanitarian projects. For example, In the USA, a Florida club developed a children’s exercise program to fight obesity; a Club in Canada did a mountain bike program that raised substantial funds, and in Australia a Club developed
an anti graffiti program. Donna Schuck presided and introduced new member Chad Cohrs.
Announcements: Bob Soper announced that both clothing and coats may be donated to the Snyder County Red Cross,
as part of the District’s Warm-up program. Gently used coats and clothing of all sizes must be donated by next Thursday. Nominations Committee (Chair Donna Schuck and members Mike Hayes and Jeff Edmunds) will report a slate on Nov. 4, with elections held Nov. 18 at our Annual Meeting. Bob Fogle announced that the Club has received a check in excess of $600 as our share of monies raised through Savor Selinsgrove. John Fischer expects gross funds raised in the Golf Tournament to be approximately $20,000. A signup sheet was circulated for help at the Halloween Parade scheduled
for October 19 to distribute candy at the end of the parade. See Donna Schuck to volunteer. Our thoughts are with
Joyce Anderson for a speedy return following a medical leave of absence. District Foundation Dinner is scheduled for
11/18 at La Primavera, Lewisburg at a cost of $25 per person. See John Stokinger for additional details.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines from: himself (6th grandchild in process); Tom Gates (his wife and her successful
efforts for the Red Cross auction and John Fischer’s receiving the Economics PA Adam Smith Award); Mike Flock (John Fischer and Economics Pa.); Nelson Bailey (Mike’s picture); Art Bowen (Calley, John Fischer, leaving early); John Fischer (messing up 4 way test
and Econ Pa); John Reed (Phillies no hitter); Jerry Rhoades (55th high school graduation and trip to Williamsburg); Mary Peterhaensel (Donna’s by line); Donna Schuck (daughter’s visit, ladies table, Chamber article); and Bob Soper (Earl’s plus 15, success of Red Cross auction – thanks to everyone who helped).
Future Programs:
Oct. 21 – Free Enterprise Week program presented by Hal Schriver, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 28 – David Masser, from Sterman and Masser, will talk about potato farming, Sean Felty hosts. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Nov. 4 – Club Assembly, Nominations Committee report. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Nov. 11 – Polio Plus, video and update. Dottie Anderson hosts, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Oct. 22 – John Reed; Nov. 6 – Donna Schuck; 8 – Jerry Rhoads; 15 – Art Bowen.
Quotation: “The best part of health is fine disposition.” Ralph Waldo Emerson