Nov. 11, 2010

                                      Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Vol. 84, No. 20                                   President – John L. Stokinger                            Editor – Dorothy M. Anderson

Next Meeting: November 18, 2010 – Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Directors for 2010-11. A program, hosted by Bob Fogle, will be presented by Ian Proud, Research Manager for Playworld Systems, on Obesity in America. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Nov. 11, 2010:  Twenty-one Rotarians, including visiting Rotarian Tim Duke, were present for a video presentation on the PolioPlus, End Polio now campaign presented by Dottie Anderson.  The speech by Dr. Bruce Alyward, a Canadian physician and epidemiologist, who has headed the Global Polio Eradication Initiative since 1998, was given at the Montreal RI Convention this past June. The importance of the End Polio Now program and fund raising for it, becomes clear as one hears the facts. Dottie shared a picture John Fischer, Michael Hayes and herself with Marie-Irene Richmond-Ahoua, Outreach Adviser, UN Operation in the Ivory Coast and Chair of the Ivory Coast PolioPlus Committee and member of the Africa Regional PolioPlus Committee. The picture was taken at the End Polio Now event in Montreal. Bob Soper shared that he was present at the RI Convention 25 years ago when the program was introduced. The meeting began with preside Pat Pinkowski asking veterans present to say their branch of service and a bit about their time in the military in recognition of Veterans Day.

Announcements: Foundation Dinner 11/18, see John Stokinger for information.*Leaf raking at Rotary Field is scheduled for Nov. 20, 8 a.m. to noon with Midget football coaches and players will assist Rotarians. Bring power tools if you have them.** The Nominations Committee (Donna Schuck, Mike Hayes, Jeff Edmunds) presented the following slate for 2011-12 Selinsgrove Rotary Club Officers and Directors:  Donna Schuck, President; Pat Pinkowski, President-Elect; Wesley Knapp, Vice President; Ken Wagner, Treasurer; Hal Dunkleberger, Secretary; John Stokinger, Past President; Avenues of Service Directors: Club Service – Joyce Anderson, Community Service – John Bickhart, Vocational Service – Justin Troup, International Service – Konrad Kempfe. Nominated to terms on Selinsgrove Rec., Inc.: Chad Cohrs and Ken Miller. Elections are next Thursday.


Good News from Rotary: Konrad Kempfe reported on the formation of a new Rotaract Club in Hong Kong, installed on 9/11/10. The date was deliberately selected to show they had not forgotten 9/11 and that they dedicated their efforts to world peace.

Sergeant at arms:  Marv Rudnitsky collected fines from: Jerry Rhoades(Happy Birthday); himself (thinking of Joyce Anderson); Nelson Bailey (remember a special veteran); Johyn Thompson (wife putting up lights); Tim Duke (married last Saturday); Bill Clark (all vets); Toby Skinner (vets and grandson joining the army); Pat Pinkowski (vets and construction completion); Dottie Anderson (John Bickhart’s tech help); Konrad Kempe (veterans); Hal Schriver (Club’s support of Free Enterprise Week); Jack Rousch (Admiral Moon) and Earl Ferster (+ 15 and veterans).


Future Programs:

Nov. 25 – Happy Thanksgiving. No Club Meeting.

Dec. 2 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Dec. 9 – Tom Gates will present on the Selinsgrove Area Youth Foundation, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Dec. 16 – Holiday Dinner and Social, entertainment by the Enduring Chords, a Lewisburg quartet. Social begins at 6 p.m.  Art Bowen hosts. Partners and guests welcome. Sign-up sheet will be circulated.

Dec. 23 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays:  Nov. 15 – Art Bowen. Dec. 5 – Michael Damiano; 8 – Charlie McCuen; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky, Jeff Edmunds; 15 – Nelson Bailey; 30 – Dottie Anderson & Diane Alderson; 31 – Donna Long.

Quotation: “If each one sweeps before his own door, the whole street is clean.”  

                                                                  Yiddish Proverb