Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Vol. 84, No. 21 President – John L. Stokinger Editor – Dorothy M. Anderson
November 25, 2010 – Thanksgiving Day – No Meeting.
Next Meeting: Dec. 2, 2010 – Program TBA, Member Induction. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Nov. 18, 2010: Thirty-three Rotarians, including visiting Rotarian Tim Duke and John Fischer’s guest Stewart Moan, SU’s Lacrosse Coach (here to present the SAYF with a check from team fund raising event), were present for the Annual Meeting and election of 2010-11 Officers and directors and a program presented by Ian Proud, Research Manager for Playworld Systems, on Childhood Obesity in America. Ian was introduced by host Bob Fogle, and presented an interesting and challenging group of facts about the consequences of the dramatic increase in obese children. An increase in health costs, shorter life span (this generation will live shorter lives than the parents), less productivity, and National Security (75% of youths 17 to 24 are ineligible for military service) are all areas of concern. We are challenged to improve diets, look at ways to decrease architectural barriers to improve walking connectivity, examine impact of policies such as farm subsidies. Officers and President Stokinger called the Annual Meeting to order. Donna Schuck presented the Nomination Committee slate. There being no additional nominations from the floor and the following Officers and Directors were elected by unanimous ballot: Donna Schuck, President; Pat Pinkowski, President-Elect; Wesley Knapp, Vice President; Ken Wagner, Treasurer; Hal Dunkleberger, Secretary; John Stokinger, Past President; Avenues of Service Directors: Club Service – Joyce Anderson, Community Service – John Bickhart, Vocational Service – Justin Troup, International Service – Konrad Kempfe. Elected for terms on Selinsgrove Rec., Inc.: Chad Cohrs and Ken Miller.
Announcements: Leaf raking at Rotary Field is scheduled for Nov. 20, 8 a.m. to noon with Midget football coaches and players will assist Rotarians. Bring power tools if you have them.*Hal Schriver circulated a sign up sheet for assistance with Salvation Army Bell Ringing beginning on Tuesday evening, Dec. 7, Late Shoppers Night.**Mike Damiano reminded members of EREY donations to the Foundation for 2010.***Calendars are available from President John Stokinger.****Tree Fest will run from 12/3-17.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines from: Art Bowen (Happy Birthday and Disney World Trip);Mike Flock (2nd grandchild expected and 2nd daughter getting married); Michael Hayes (late and start of SSDC endowment); Ken Miller (niece who attended SSDC for two years now on the 7th grade honor roll); Mike Johnson (back); Kevin Waple (9 days to vacation and Stewart Moan); Donna Long (late and successful surgery); Donna Schuck (family Thanksgiving and Ohio State); and Earl Ferster (++15).
Future Programs:
Dec. 9 – Tom Gates hosts this presentation on the history and future of the Selinsgrove Area Youth Foundation, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Dec. 16 – Holiday Dinner and Social, with entertainment provided by the Enduring Chords, a Lewisburg quartet. Social begins at 6 p.m. Art Bowen hosts. Partners and guests welcome. Sign-up sheet being circulated.
Dec. 23 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Dec. 30 – Mike Flock hosts this program on the Isle of Que River Guides, presented by Jim Charles. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Dec. 5 – Michael Damiano; 8 – Charlie McCuen; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky, Jeff Edmunds; 15 – Nelson Bailey; 30 – Dottie Anderson & Diane Alderson; 31 – Donna Long.
Quotation: “Responsibility is the thing people dread most of all. Yet it is the only thing in the world that develops us, gives us manhood or womanhood fibre.” Frank Crane
bsp; Yiddish Proverb