Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Vol. 84, No. 23 President – John L. Stokinger Editor – Dorothy M. Anderson
Next Meeting: Dec. 16, 2010 – Holiday Social and Dinner, hosted by Art Bowen, entertainment provided by the Lewisburg based barbershop quartet, Enduring Chords. Today, 12/9, is the last day for reservations of any members and guests. SVCC, social time beginning at 6:00 p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Dec. 9, 2010: Twenty-three Rotarians, including new member Tim Duke, were present for this presentation on the history and the future of the Selinsgrove Area Youth Foundation. John Fischer spoke about the beginning of the Foundation in the 1993-4 with the encouragement of then Club President, John Summers, Sr. The Club wanted to be able to endow its scholarship program for graduates of SASD. This led to the founding of the SAYF under the leadership of its first President, Bob Soper. Immediate past president, Tom Gates shared information about the current status of the SAYF, now affiliated with the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation, with a value of over $400,000. Since its founding the SAYF has given out approximately $100,000 in college scholarships to 45 students, and given another $100,000 to various other youth activities. Mike Flock, new President of the SAYF, spoke about future plans and developments for the Foundation. Look for further information by mid-Feb. of 2011. President Stokinger presented information from DG Wydra about the District merger and, on motion from Hal Dunkleberger, seconded by Tom Gates, Club approved merging with the District to our west. A Club Board meeting followed.
Announcements: Hal Schriver circulated a signup sheet for Salvation Army Bell Ringing.*Calendars are available from President John Stokinger.**Tree Fest will run from 12/3-17. Thanks for stopping in to vote for Michael Recylcle!***Club will meet at BJ’s January 6, 13, 20 and 1st two weeks in February while kitchen at SVCC undergoes renovations. Jan. 27 is Urban-Rural Night, hosted by Jerry Rhoades.***President shared formal Thank You from the Snyder County Red Cross.
Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared facts and figures about the RI Foundation, including its 16 Directors from around the world and its 2010-11 Budget.
Acting Sergeant at arms: Konrad Kempfe collected fines from: Happy Birthday to Charlie McCuen; John Stokinger (citing six deer and missing last week’s meeting, Chorale Concert this weekend); Mike Flock (successful deer hunt); John Fischer (opportunity to present on the SAYF); Donna Long (late and Yankees); Mike Piecuch (late and last week’s tech mishap); Hal Dunkleberger (Charlie’s event at Kind Café); John Reed (RI Foundation facts and figures); and Hal Schriver (Buffalo Valley Singers free concert this weekend) .
Future Programs:Dec. 23 – Susanna Falck will speak about the District’s Potable Water project in Ecuador, Konrad Kempfe hosts, 11:45 a.m.
Dec. 30 – Mike Flock hosts this program on the Isle of Que River Guides, presented by Jim Charles. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Newsletter Editor needed. Last meeting at SVCC until mid Feb.
Jan. 6 – Rabbi Nina Mandel, hosted by Bill Reibschied. BJ’s in Selinsgrove, 11:45 a.m.
Jan. 13 – TBA, host is Ken Miller. BJ’s in Selinsgrove, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Dec. 15 – Nelson Bailey; 30 – Dottie Anderson & Diane Alderson; 31 – Donna Long. Jan. 3 – Shane Hendricks; 5 – Michael Damiano; 13 – Mike Piecuch; 14 – Don Harnum; 24 – Mike Flock.
Quotation: “Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps the singing bird will come.”
Chinese Proverb