Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Building Communities/Bridging Continents
Vol. 84, No. 38
President – John L. StokingerEditor – Dorothy M.
Next Meeting: April 7, 2011–Club Assembly featuring
Community Service Avenue of Service. John Bickhart, Director. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
March 31, 2011: About 25 Rotarians and guests were
present for this program featuring Joanne Troutman, Director of Development at Evangelical
Hospital. Kendra Aucker introduced Joanne and Renee Ferry, a Gift Officer.
Evangelical is engaged in a $10.3 million campaign to expand surgical and
cardiovascular facilities, increase endowment funds and for the annual fund,
The Evangelical Care Fund which provides care for those who could not otherwise
afford it. The 41,000 sq. foot expansion is planned to be completed by next
summer. The campaign has already raised $9.6 million and is now in its public
phase. Evan is a “true” community hospital with 127 critical care beds, and is
known for its ob/gyn facilities, the joint replacement center, wound care
facility added in the last year, and now the cardiovascular program in partnership
with GMC. Evan has just received its 4th patient safety award. Also
present was John Fischer’s guest, Sheri Hoffman, new Ad Min at Economics Penna.
Announcements: June 11 is the Chicken Barbeque.
Tickets for sale and other arrangements should be forthcoming shortly.*Plan now
– invite guests, partners, spouses to attend Distinguished Service Award Dinner
on April 14. We will be honoring the Rev. Mark William Radecke, Chaplain at
Susquehanna.**Sign up for the SSDC 5 K Run/Walk to be held April 17 at the SASD
track.***District Conference is 4/29-31 – see John S or Hal for additional
information.****Selinsgrove Libraryis
in need of volunteers to help with the “big move” – go to the web site to check
the schedule.
Sergeant at arms: Konrad Kempfe collected fines as follows: from
himself (back from world cruise); Pat Pinkowski (Joyce back); Tom Gates
(Orlando trip, Bucknel basketball); Bob Soper (Joyce back as well as candy and
flowers on the table); John Fischer (guest and Bob Soper’s emeriti board status
at Sunbury Hospital); Donna Schuck (Joyce, Kendra, PETS training, not being
sued); Nelson Bailey (Joyce and Konrad back); Charlie McCuen (Joyce back);
Kendra Aucker (back and guests); Wesley Knapp (Joyce back and Donna out early);
Donna Long (baseball season opening; UConn women’s basketball and final four,
selling businesses); and Earl Ferster (+15 and Joyce back).
Future Programs:
14 – Distinguished Service Award Dinner, 6:00 p.m., SVCC. Chaplain Mark
Radecke, Susquehanna University, is this year’s recipient. Sign up sheet is circulating.
Spouses and guests welcome and all are urged to attend Club’s special event.
21 – Fritz Heineman of Economics Pennsylvania will be the speaker. John Fischer
hosts. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
28 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
5 – TBA, Don Summers hosts. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Apr. 7 – Bob
Soper, Ken Wagner; 20 – John Bickhart; 28 – Bob Fogle. May 15 – John Stokinger;
23 – Jack Roush
Quotation: “Good judgment comes from experience,
and often experience comes from bad judgment.”Rita Mae Brown, author