Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Building Communities/Bridging Continents
Vol. 84, No. 39
President – John L. StokingerEditor – Dorothy M.
Next Meeting: April 14, 2011–Distinguished Service
Award Presentation and Dinner, 6 p.m., SVCC. This annual award will be
presented to the Rev. Mark William Radecke, Chaplain at Susquehanna University.
If you missed signing up and/or have additional guests, please be in touch with
Joyce Anderson by noon tomorrow (Fri.)
April 7, 2011: Twenty-seven Rotarians and a
guest (Konrad Kempfe’s guest from Germany, Albert Brunotte) were present for
the Club Assembly, featuring the Community Service Avenue of Service, as led by
Director John Bickhart. This provided an opportunity for John to “frame” the
discussion – specifically worker harder vs. working smarter; tradition isn’t
the reason to continue to do something the same way; time and the increasing
claims on it; what do we mean by community.
The committee is
suggesting that Free Enterprise Week be moved to the Vocational Service Avenue
and that further consideration be given to discontinuing selling ice cream at
the Market St. Festival in favor of doing more information and service areas,
like the Purple Pinkie program. Interesting discussion ensued with seeming
general agreement that it would be terrific to come up with one major fund
raising event that also served to acquaint people with the Selinsgrove Rotary.
Announcements: June 11 is the Chicken Barbeque.
Tickets for sale and other arrangements should be forthcoming shortly.*Sign up
for the SSDC 5 K Run/Walk to be held April 17 at the SASD track.**District
Conference is 4/29-31 – see John S or Hal for additional information.***Selinsgrove
Libraryis in need of volunteers to help
with the “big move” – go to the web site to check the schedule.****John Fischer
announced start of golf tournament meetings and the fact that Th. Night golf is
organizing. See John F. for details.*****Discussion occurred about a joint
meeting with Sunbury Club in June to visit the Priestly House. John Stokinger
will follow up to see if our schedule allows for this given sufficient interest
among members. John S reported that Jack Roush has been designated an Honorary
Member by Board action.
Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared that he had met Rotarians on his
world cruise who were involved with RI projects. John Stokinger shared that he
and his daughter would be participating in a 5K in Maryland benefiting a Rotary
Club project.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy
Birthday to Bob Soper; himself (SACF Board Meeting this a.m., Joyce back and
candy on the tables, birth of grandchild 6); John Stokinger (not talking
baseball); Mary Peterhaenseel (Georgia trip and wedding); Mike Flock (Joyce
back); Pat Pinkowski (mother 87 today); Art Bowen (Joyce back and travels);
John Fischer (SACF meeting); Konrad Kempfe (guest and Joyce back); Ken Miller
(grandchildren and successful potty training); Charlie McCuen (hearing from son
in Japan after today’s earthquake); Joyce Anderson (appreciates all the well
wishes); and Earl Ferster (+ 15 and the way we uphold one another).
Future Programs:
21 – Fritz Heinemann of Economics Pennsylvania will be the speaker. John
Fischer hosts. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
28 – Free Enterprise Week program, Bill Reibschied and Hal Schriver. SVCC, 11:45
5 – Speaker will be Representative Linda Schlegal-Culver, Don Summers hosts.
SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
12 – Topic will be ADA Litigation Abuse, Donna Schuck hosts. SVCC, 11:45a.m.
Apr. 20 – John
Bickhart; 28 – Bob Fogle. May 15 – John Stokinger; 23 – Jack Roush
Quotation: “Every wrong attempt discarded is a
step forward.” Thomas Edison