Selinsgrove Area Rotary
Communities/Bridging Continents
Vol. 84, No. 40President – John
L. Stokinger
Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: April 21, 2011 –Speaker will be Fritz
Heinemann from Economics Pennsylvania, hosted by John Fischer.
SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
14, 2011: Fifty members and guests were present for
the 27th annual Distinguished Service Award Presentation and Dinner.
The Rev. Dr. Mark William Radecke, Chaplain of Susquehanna University, received
the award in recognition of his commitment to service learning, community and
world service. Marv Rudnitsky served as Master of Ceremonies. Speakers included
Dr. Phil Winger, VP for Student Affairs at Susquehanna, Karen Ward, a senior
who serves as Deacon of Service, Mark Lawrence, Program Director of WKOK, John
Bickhart, Borough Manager and Director of Rotary’s Avenue of Community Service,
and the Rev. Beth Ann Stone, Assistant to to the Bishop of the Upper Susquehanna
Synod of the Lutheran Church, and Tami Radecke, Mark’s wife and VP for
Development of Evangelical Hospital.President John Stokinger presented the 2011 Award. Music student Timothy
Gonzales began the program with a wonderful solo accompanied on the piano by
professor Dr. Chee Chin Wu.Chaplain
Radecke’s concern for “the little, the lost, and the least” and is oft spoken
“feed two birds with one crumb” were well illustrated by the speakers.Many thanks are extended to Joyce Anderson
for chairing the DSA committee and organizing a beautiful and impressive event.
Announcements: June 11 is the Chicken Barbeque – tickets to
sell and sign-up sheet to work will be forthcoming.* Beds for a Cause request –
Parents of a student who will start at Susquehanna next August are hoping to
make arrangements ahead for three occasions – two nights for preview days in
June or July, one night for Welcome Day, August 25 or 10 days earlier if
student coming in early, and Nov. 4 – 6 for Family Weekend. If you are able to
help, please be in touch with Michael Hayes.
Future Programs:
28 – Free Enterprise Week program, presented by Bill Reibschied and Hal
Schriver, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
5 – PA Representative Linda Schlegel-Culver will be the speaker, hosted by Don
Summers. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
12 – Topic will be ADA Litigation Abuse, Donna Schuck hosts. Board Meeting
follows regular meeting. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
19 – SACF/Rotary Scholarship Winners, Kendra Aucker hosts. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
26 – Veterans Recognition Day. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: April 20 – John Bickhart; 28 – Bob Fogle.May 15 – John Stokinger; 23 – Jack Roush.
Quotation: “Universal
compassion is the only guarantee of morality.”
Arthur Schopenhauer