April 21, 2011

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club


Vol. 84, No. 41

President – John L. StokingerEditor – Dorothy M.

Next Meeting: April 28, 2011–Free Enterprise Week
presentation by Hal Schriver and Bill Reibschied. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 21, 2011: Twenty-five Rotarians and a guest (Sheri Hoffman, John Fischer’s guest)
were present for Fritz Heinemann’s talk about the work of Economics
Pennsylvania. The host was John Fischer. Economics Pennsylvania, with home
office located in Selinsgrove, has the mission of ensuring that every young
person in PA understands essential economic and financial literacy concepts. It
is best known locally through the Stock Market Game, a ten week Wall Street
on-line simulation for Grades 4-12 that allows student to manage their own
investment portfolios. Ranked 50 when Fritz became President and CEO better
than 15 years ago, for the last six years PA has been first in the last six
years. April is Financial Literacy Month, making this an excellent opportunity
to learn about additional education programs done through Econ PA such as Business
Plan Competition, Economics Challenge, Financial Fitness for Life, Strive to
Drive, and The Economics of Alternative Energy.A Club Board meeting followed the program.


Announcements: June 11 is the Chicken Barbeque.
Tickets for members to sell will be distributed next week.*5/14 is the third
Savor Selinsgrove event with tickets for sale on line or the day of the event.
Michael Hayes distributed posters.**
District Conference is 4/29-31 – see
John S or Hal for additional information.***John Stokinger and Bob Soper met
with Jack Roush and presented him an honorary membership certificate.


Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared information about a fund raising
project to aid victims of Japan’s earthquake done by the Ardmore Rotary Club.
They have raised $22,000 since March. Over 2000 Shelter Boxes have been
distributed in Japan teo date.


Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: from the
editor (completing the SSDC 5K walk/run); Mike Flock (good news on expected
grandchild); Tim Duke (weekend at home); Chad Cohrs (back and one year budget
solution); Michael Hayes (he and Marv 1 & 2 in 5K, teacher’s idea to raise
money for SSDC field trip with @$1500 raised); Nelson Bailey (family
significance of Palm Sunday); John Fischer (guests and golf committee, with
9/12 Golf Tourney proceeds designated for the SACF and the Library building
project); Konrad Kempfe (DSA event and Joyce’s work); Joyce Anderson (thanks to
all who helped) and Earl Ferster (+15).


New Members:
Sponsored by John Fischer: Sheri L. Hoffman,
classification Business Education, employed at Economics Pennsylvania and Gary
Gonsar, classification Education-Administration, retired School Administrator.
Any objections should be conveyed to President John Stokinger within 7 days of
receipt of this notice.


Future Programs:

5 – Speaker will be Representative Linda Schlegal-Culver, Don Summers hosts.
SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

12 – Topic will be ADA Litigation Abuse, Donna Schuck hosts. SVCC, 11:45a.m.

19 – SACF/Rotary Scholarship Winners, Kendra Aucker hosts. SVCC, 11:45a.m.

26 – Veterans Recognition Day, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Apr. 20 – John
Bickhart; 28 – Bob Fogle. May 15 – John Stokinger; 23 – Jack Roush


Quotation: “A man’s accomplishments in life are
the cumulative effect of his attention to detail.” John Foster