June 2,2011

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club


Vol. 84, No. 48President – John L. StokingerEditor – Michael F.

Next Meeting: June 9 – Tim Duke will present his classification
talk. Mike Flock will edit the newsletter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


June 2, 2011:Thirty-Five members and guests
were on hand to hear Andy Russell, former linebacker for the Super Bowl
Champion Pittsburgh Steelers talk.Russell shared some of his experiences as a professional football
player.After graduation from college in
Missouri, he never intended to play
professional football, but was drafted by the Steelers, none-the-less.His career spanned 1966-1976 and he was part
of a Steeler team that made history.He
became a successful businessman while still playing football and traveled the
world.The Pittsburgh Steeler owners
(the Rooney family) as well as head coach Chick Noll taught him that he needed
to balance giving back to the community in both time and money.One of his favorite charities is Economics PA
which he has served on as a board member and his Russell Family Charitable
Foundation has supported financially.


Announcements: June 11 is the Chicken Barbeque.
SELL, SELL, SELL, those tickets. Members are expected to sell them and turn in
the proceeds. Members are asked to return payment in the envelope provided. A
signup sheet for working on 6/11 is being circulated.*Please consider being
Beds for a Cause host. Talk with Michael Hayes.**June
3-26, volunteers are needed to staff the SU Gallery for the Simon Snyder
Exhibit. Signup to work from 1:30 to 4:30.***June 26, the District Polio Plus
Bike Riders will make a stop at Rotary Field at about 3:30 p.m. More
information later.****July 26 is Rotary Hotdog Night at the Gazebo, with Gift,
Troutman, Gift performing. Plan to attend. Tell John Bickhart if you can
volunteer to help.


Sergeant at arms: Happy Fines paid by Mike Flock (new granddaughter), John Fischer
(speaker & trip south), Ken Miller (brother), John
(camping trip to Rickett’s Glen), Charlie McCuen
(glad to be back), Hal ( 2 guests), John Thompson (magazine article) and Earl
Fertser (just happy).


Future Programs:

16 – 5:45 p.m., meet at the Priestly House in Northumberland for a tour and
picnic dinner with members of the Sunbury Club. Cost of tour is $4.00. We are
the Sunbury Club’s guests for dinner. Signup sheet circulating and number
attending needs to known by 6/2.

23 – Victoria Rosencroft of Nottingham
, will speak
about Dementia and Alzheimer Disease. Bob Soper is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

30 – Installation of 2011-12 Officers and Directors. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.




Quotation: Sports do not build character.They reveal it.Heywood Broun (1888-1939)