Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Vol. 84, No. 49President – John L. StokingerEditor – Michael F.
Next Meeting:June
16 – 5:45 p.m., meet at the Priestly House in Northumberland for a tour and
picnic dinner with members of the Sunbury Club. Cost of tour is $4.00. We are
the Sunbury Club’s guests for dinner.
June 9, 2011:Twenty-six members were in
attendance as Dr. Tim Duke gave his vocational talk.He is originally from
first saw a chiropractor for back pain and was impressed with what he could
do.After high school he attended
Chiropractic school.His wife is an
attorney in the
area and he works for a local health center on the old trail.His specialty is pain management and in the
practice he’s in now, he has a say in many of the daily decisions. In the
future he will have an opportunity to buy into the business.He and his wife are in the process of
purchasing a house in Dauphin.Tim was
first exposed to Rotary as a junior in high school when he was selected to
participate in a Rotary Youth Leadership Award Program (RYLA).Since then he has tried to maintain a
connection to Rotary as a way to give back to the community.
Announcements: Please consider being Beds for a
Cause host. Talk with
SU Gallery for the Simon Snyder Exhibit. Signup to work from 1:30 to 4:30.June 26, the District Polio Plus Bike Riders
will make a stop at Rotary Field at about 3:30 p.m. More information
later.July 26 is Rotary Hotdog Night at
the Gazebo, with Gift, Troutman, Gift performing.Plan to attend.Tell John Bickhart if you can volunteer to
help. June 26th we will host participants of the Polio Eradication
Bike ride in the afternoon –
needs help with this event – please call him.
Good News From Rotary: Rotary Club
preparedness kits and literacy assessments to Sudanese refugees.
Sergeant at arms: Dr. Konrad Kemfe collected Happy
Fines as follows: Pat Pinkowski (44th weddinganniversary, Bruce Marion (hospital’s weight
loss program and contribution to non profits in the area), John Fischer ( 2
vacations), Wesley Knapp (graduates), Mike Flock (wife’s birthday), Don Harnum
(award in Connie’s name & drive-in escapades in the daytime), Konrad Kempfe
(calendar hopes) and Earl Ferster (happy).
Future Programs:
23 – Victoria Rosencroft of
about Dementia and Alzheimer Disease. Bob Soper is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
30 – Installation of 2011-12 Officers and Directors. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
7 – Pam Ross, Selinsgrove Library.
14th – Official visit of District Governor Alice Kissinger.
21st – Jo Mueller, of Home Instead, a home health service, Marv Rudnitsky is
the host.
28th – TBA
Birthdays:June 24th,
Pat Pinkowski, July 6th, Joyce Anderson, July 8th, Bill
Reibschied and July 19th, Hal Dunkleberger.
Quotation: Education’s purpose is to replace an
empty mind with an open one. Malcomb Forbes (1919-1990)