June 23, 2011

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Vol. 84, No. 51President –
John L. StokingerEditor – Dorothy M. Anderson

Next Meeting: June 30, 2011–Installation of 2011-12
Officers and Directors. Installation provides the opportunity for John
Stokinger to reflect on his year as President and Pat Pinkowski to share some
of her goals and plans as President. DG Connie Wydra will preside over the
installation. Three Paul Harris Fellows will be awarded. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.


June 23, 2011: Twenty-two Rotarians were present to hear Victoria Rosencroft, (Rotarian
from the Sunbury Club) a Nurse Practitioner at Nottingham Village speak about
Dementia and Alzheimer Disease. Bob Soper served as host and introduced “Spike.”
As a volunteer ambassador for the Greater Pennsylvania Chapter of the Alzheimer’s
Association, Victoria shared the 10 warning signs, facts, figures, and examples
of her work with patients. Over 90 different medications are being tested for possible
use with the 5.3 million diagnosed with this disease in the USA (500,000 in
PA). This was an informative presentation with numerous questions asked and


Announcements: June 26, the District Polio Plus Bike Riders will make a stop at Rotary
Field at about 3:30 p.m., departing from there at 4:40 p.m. Consider being a
“virtual rider” by getting a donation of $25 or more to Donna Schuck or Konrad
Kempfe before Sat.*July 26 is Rotary Hotdog Night at the Gazebo, with Gift,
Troutman, Gift performing. Plan to attend. Tell John Bickhart to volunteer to

**Chicken Barbeque fund raising results can’t be
finalized until the remainder of the membership responds with proceeds from
tickets sold and/or a return of unsold tickets. PLEASE – REPORT TICKET SALES
AND TURN IN THE MONEY ASAP. If all goes well, Club could have raised as much as


Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe reported on Bob Mazzuca and Dolly
Parton’s plenary session appearance at the Montreal RI conference. Together
with 115 Rotary Club’s, Parton’s Imagination Library Foundation provides books
to children from birth to age 5. In recognition, she was awarded a Paul Harris
Fellow at the international meeting.


Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines from: himself (in
recognition of Bob Fogle’s work on the Chicken Barbeque); Ken Wagner (birth of
son Ken the 3rd on Monday); Dottie Anderson (cousin’s and a 90th
birthday party in Atlanta); John Stokinger (Bob Fogle and family, Red Sox vs.
Pirates); Mike Piecuch (start of SSDC on Monday and back); Mike Damiano (Wagner
child, Bob and Earl); Tim Duke (wife here for barbeque and enjoyment of meeting
everyone); Jerry Rhoades (back healing and Fogle clan); Bob Soper (Fogle’s and speaker);
Joyce Anderson (speaker and bright grandkids); and Earl Ferster (happy and


Future Programs:

7 – Pam Ross, Director of the Snyder County Library, will speak about the
renovations and expansion of the library in Selinsgrove. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

14 – Official visit of new District Governor, Alice Kissinger. A Board of
Directors Meeting follow the regular meeting. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

21 – Jo Mueller of Home Instead, a home health service, will be the speaker.
Marv Rudnitsky is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

28 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays:July 6 – Joyce Anderson; 8 – Bill Reibschied; 19 – Hal


Quotation: “A great mind is one that can forget or
look beyond itself.”William Hazlitt