June 30, 2011

                             Selinsgrove Rotary Club

Vol. 84, No. 52              President –
John L. StokingerEditor – Dorothy M. Anderson

Next Meeting: July 7, 2011–Pam Ross, Director of the
Snyder County Library, will present a program about the renovations and
expansion of the Selinsgrove Library and capital campaign. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.


June 30, 2011: Twenty-six Rotarians and guests were present for the installation of
the 2011-12 Officers and Directors and awarding of Paul Harris fellows by outgoing
DG, Connie Wydra. Paul Harris Fellows (x3) were awarded to Bob Soper and John
Fischer. President Stokinger reviewed the year in the Selinsgrove Club, noting
our high activity level, programs presented, visits to Susquehanna’s new
Science Building (with the Sunbury Club as our guests), the Snyder County
Historical Society Museum, and the Priestly House (as guests of the Sunbury
Club). We lost 5 members, gained four, name Jack Roush as an Honorary member,
for a total of 53 members. He thanked members for their work and assistance,
especially Joyce Anderson, while noting that the Club “runs well” with a bit of
gentle steering. Following installation of Pat Pinkowski, Wesley Knapp, Hal
Dunkleberger, John Stokinger, Joyce Anderson and Konrad Kempfe, Pat noted that
she is honored to serve as Prsident and that she has the following goals in
mind: increase membership by 4; improve attendance by 5% (with John Stokinger
teaching members how to do make ups on line); 100% RI Foundation giving (in any
amount); do more to raise awareness and funds for Polio Plus; identify a major
fund raising event (chair, John Stokinger); provide more frequent orientation
opportunities for new members; and make a major donation to the Library
project. Reach Within to Embrace Humanity is the 2011-12 theme. Those unable to
be present for installation will be installed at a later meeting (Donna Schuck,
Ken Wagner, Justin Troup, John Bickhart).


Announcements: Thanks to Konrad Kempfe and
Donna Schuck for greeting the Polio Plus Bike
Riders when they stopped at Rotary Field this past Saturday. DG Wydra indicates
close to $20,000 raised thru this event.*July 26 is Rotary Hotdog Night at the Gazebo,
with Gift, Troutman, Gift performing. Plan to attend. Tell John Bickhart is you
can volunteer to help.**Chicken Barbeque fund raising results can’t be
finalized until the remainder of the membership responds with proceeds from
tickets sold and/or a return of unsold tickets. PLEASE – REPORT TICKET SALES
AND TURN IN THE MONEY ASAP. If all goes well, Club could have raised as much as
$3000.***Toby Skinner announced as special concert at 2 p.m. this Sunday at the
Historical Society Museum.


Future Programs:

14 – Official visit of new District Governor, Alice Kissinger. A Board of
Directors Meeting follow the regular meeting. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

21 – Jo Mueller of Home Instead, a home health service, will be the speaker.
Marv Rudnitsky is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

28 – Mike Damiano will present a program on the RI Foundation to inform all
members of the work of the Foundation. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

4 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m., Newsletter editor needed.

Birthdays:July 6 – Joyce Anderson; 8 – Bill Reibschied; 19 – Hal


Quotation: “Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour
on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson