July 14,2011

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Reach Within to Embrace Humanity

Vol. 85, No. 2President –
Patricia A. PinkowskiEditor – Dorothy M. Anderson

Next Meeting: July 21, 2011–Jo Mueller of Home
Instead, a home health service, will be the speaker. Marv Rudnitsky is the host
and VP Wesley Knapp will preside. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.


July 14, 2011: Twenty-eight Rotarians and guests were present for the official visit
of new District Governor, Alice Kissinger. Alice was introduced by Assistant
DG, Judy Hoover from the Lewisburg Sunrise Club. Emphasis areas for this Rotary
year include building stronger families, continuity, clean air and water,
literacy, facing change head on and Polio Plus. Kindness, thoughtfulness and
consideration is encouraged in all things. Please pick up a District 7370
Directory if you don’t already have one, and know that the Club’s 11-12
Calendar will be distributed in a couple of weeks. An error in dates is making
it necessary to have the calendar corrected and reprinted. By motion from the
floor, Club will pay costs of reprinting. A Board meeting with the new DG

Announcements: July 26 is Rotary Hotdog Night at the Gazebo, with Gift, Troutman, Gift
performing. Plan to attend. Tell John Bickhart is you can volunteer to help.*Chicken
Barbeque fund raising results can’t be finalized until the remainder of the
membership responds with proceeds from tickets sold and/or a return of unsold
tickets. PLEASE, if you have not already done so, REPORT TICKET SALES AND TURN
IN THE MONEY ASAP so books can be closed.**President Pat will continue the
schedule of holding Board Meetings following meetings on the second Thursday of
every month.***9/12 is the SACF/Rotary Golf Tournament per John Fischer.


Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe reported on the Club of Hout Bay, South
Africa, who with the help of the Rotary Foundation, built a new family
counseling center providing services to abused women and children.


Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy
Birthday to Hal Dunkleberger and thanks for the cake; himself (USA Women’s
Soccer Team); Michael Hayes (late and DG); Kevin Waple (cell ringing); Jerry
Rhoades (50th anniversary); Konrad Kempfe (Soccer); Joyce Anderson
(DG and Asst. DG); Tim Duke (new home); John Fischer (Rotary golf team didn’t
come in last); Art Bowen (vacation, Konrad’s good news, etc.); Nelson Bailey
(garden growing well); Mike Damiano (no default); Bob Soper (picture in paper,
grandfather named Paul Harris Fellow); Tom Gates (brother’s visit); John
Stokinger (contribution toward calendar reprinting); Pat Pinkowski (leaving for
Alaska vacation) and Earl Ferster (DG’s visit and +15).

Future Programs:

28 – Mike Damiano will present a program on the RI Foundation to inform all
members of the work of the Foundation. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

4 – Bruce Marion classification talk (tentative), SVCC, 11:45 a.m., Mike Flock
will serve as Newsletter editor.

11 – Wesley Knapp classification talk, Board Meeting follows. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

18 – International Service Club Assembly led by Konrad Kempfe, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays: August 15 – Kendra
Aucker; 16 – Earl Ferster, Konrad Kempfe; 25 – Justin Troup; 30 – Jay Lemons


Quotation: “Happiness is not the absence of
problems but the ability to deal with them.”Baron de Montesquieu