August 25, 2011

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Reach Within to Embrace Humanity

Vol. 85, No. 8President – Patricia A. PinkowskiEditor – Dorothy M.

Next Meeting: Sept. 1, 2011–Anniversary Day. When did
you join Rotary? Hosted by Club Service Avenue of Service. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.


August 25, 2011: Thirty-three Rotarians and guests (Charlie and Andrew Hayes and
visiting Rotarian Carl Askew) were present to hear Susana Falck, District
Representative of World Community Affairs speak about RI and Fabretto
Foundation work in Nicaragua.This
program, hosted by Konrad Kempfe, was in celebration of International Service
Day. Susana has recently received the Service Above Self Award from RI, and
listening to her describe work accomplished to date and still to be done is
always inspiring. The next matching grant program will support equipment for a
dental clinic and a rural secondary education program, training teachers and
providing transportation to get them to remote locations. Carl Askew shared a
bit about his wife’s work sponsoring a child through the Fabretto Foundation.


Announcements: 9/12
is the date for the SACF/Rotary Golf Tournament, flyers are available from John
Fischer. Proceeds this year will be split between the SACF and the Library
Capital Campaign.*SAVE THE DATE: New Member Orientation will be held at the
home of Karen and Art Bowen, 20 Meadowbrook Drive, on Sept. 26, 2011 at 7 p.m.**Tonight
is the last of the free film events at Rotary Field – thanks are extended to
Michael Hayes, Mike Piecuch, Jennifer Johnston, and John Bickhart for their
work in making this program possible.


Good News of Rotary: Provided by today’s speaker.


Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: from Mike Flock (exciting
filming experience with grand old planes); John Fischer (Alaska trip with 18);
John Stokinger (visiting older folks at his 40th high school
reunion); Ken Miller (Kent State field hockey); Bruce Marion (family beach
vacation); Mike Piecuch (able to be here and 5 days away); Pat Pinkowski
(speaker); Konrad Kempfe (speaker); Susana Falck (good to be here); Mary
Peterhaensel (daughter’s 40th birthday); Don Summers (sports car
delight); Charlie McCuen (happy Irene took a right turn); Joyce Anderson
(guests); Art Bowen (grandkid stories); and Earl Ferster (guests and ++15).


Future Programs:

8 – Speaker is Loreen Comstock, Director of the Columbia-Montour Home Health
Agency, who will talk about the Nurse-Family Partnership Program. Pat
Pinkowski, host. Newsletter Editor needed. A Board of Director’s meeting will
follow. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

15 – Susquehanna Today – Jay Lemons, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

22 – Bruce Marion Classification Talk, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

29 – Nelson Bailey Classification Talk, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays: August 30 – Jay
Lemons. September 3 – Tom Gates, 5 – John Fischer, 9 – Hal Schriver, 24 – Don Summers.


Quotation: “Attack problems, not people.”

Mark DeHaan