Feb. 2, 2012

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Reach Within to Embrace Humanity

Vol. 85, No. 28

President – Patricia A. PinkowskiEditor – Dorothy M.

Next Meeting: February 9, 2011–Speaker is John K.
Reichard, Director of Finance Programs for SEDA-COG. Kevin Waple is the host.
BJ’s, 11:45 a.m.


February 2, 2011: Thirty plus Rotarians
and guests thoroughly enjoyed this meeting featuring a presentation and instrument
“show and tell” on the history, present, and future of surveying by Pete DeWire
and Randy Hummer (President of the Sunbury Club). Pete is retired from Larson
Design and Randy is with Keefer Associates. Dating back to the 230 mile Mason/Dixon
Line, which took the surveyors 4 years to complete, using chains and bobs to
1997’s use of first generation GPS satellites, to a future where much could be
done right on a smart-phone, it was fascinating to hear from both Pete and
Randy. Don Harnum was the host. Donna Schuck presided; Dottie Anderson
installed two new members – David Lawer (sponsored by Bill Clark) and Jared
Roush (sponsored by Mike Flock).

Announcements: 4/11
is the Distinguished Service Award dinner. Today was the last day to submit
nominations.*If you want to access the membership directory on the website, and
need to set a password, get in touch with Michael Hayes. You do not need a
password to go on to any other section of the website.**Polio Plus bike ride is
scheduled for 6/23, members are urged to participate if possible.*** President
Pat is home and recuperating from surgery

Good News of
: Konrad Kempfe reported on
the work of Scotland’s District 1020 with India’s District3110 to provide
fluoride filters to 60 families in India through a Rotary Foundation Global

Sergeant at
Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: Happy BD to Mike
Flock (who added Jared and his daughter’s providing books to children to his
fine); John Thompson (ham radio course Sat. and daughter’s promotion);Don Harnum (his guests and Nelson’s good
works); Mike Piecuch (father in law David, solving a cold case); Bill Clark
(speakers and sponsoring David); Wesley Knapp (FL business trip); Konrad Kempfe
(no badge and release of 4 hostages); Joyce Anderson (Pat’s recovery, speakers,
new members, Jerry Rhoads hosting of U/R night); Randy Hummer (Bill Clark and
Pete DeWire); Nelson Bailey (happy to help Don out); and Earl Ferster (guests
and +15).


Future Programs:

16 –John Turner, MD, will speak about Evangelical’s Center for Breast Health.
Michael Hayes is the host. 11:45 a.m., BJ’s

23- Representative Fred Keller will be the speaker. Bill Clark is the host,
11:45 a.m., BJ’s-

1 – Dr. Donald Housley will speak on his recently completed book, The
History of Geisinger.
Nelson Bailey is the host. 11:45 a.m., BJ’s

Mar. 8 – TBA – Mike Piecuch is
the host, 11:45 a.m., BJ’s. Board Meeting follows regular meeting.


Birthdays: Feb. 3 –Toby Skinner; 7 – Shawn Felty; 11 –
Michael Hayes; 25 – Mark Johnson. Mar. 26 – William Clark; 31 – Ken Miller.


Quotation: “Never think you’ve seen the last of
anything.”Eudora Welty