April 26, 2012

Selinsgrove Rotary Club

Reach Within
to Embrace Humanity

Vol. 85, No. 40

President – Patricia A. PinkowskiEditor – Dorothy M.

Next Meeting: May 3, 2012 – Toby Skinner is the host for this presentation by Shade
Mountain Winery owners. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 26, 2012: Approximately 40 Rotarians and guests were present for Phillip
Zimmerman’s presentation on Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week. Mr. Zimmerman is
a 25 year PFEW Foundation volunteer. Hal Schriver was the host, and he
introduced the speaker and his daughter, Leslie. Mr. Zimmerman introduced two
local students who have attended PFEW and each shared their experiences – Sara
Deppen from Mid West and Kirsti Richard from Selinsgrove. Additional guests
were Asst. Principal of the Mid West High School, Todd VanKirk and Selinsgrove
High School Guidance Counselor, Chris Lupolt. It is quite apparent that this
program is successful in introducing high school students to the world of
business, and its components of finance, marketing and advertising.With help of 14 to 16 inspirational,
educational, and motivational speakers, together with the business simulation,
this program is potentially life changing for attendees. Pat Pinkowski, on
behalf of the Club, and John Fischer on behalf of the SACF, presented checks to
Mr. Zimmerman that demonstrated our continued commitment to sponsoring a local
student’s attendance at PFEW.


Announcements: Polio Plus Bike Ride is scheduled for
6/23, members are urged to participate if possible. Pat has registration sheet
and one was e-mailed to members. If not riding, one can be a virtual rider for
a donation of $25.*Savor Selinsgrove will occur in the afternoon on 6/23 –
Rotarians working on this event are Michael Hayes, Donna Shuck, Melissa
Laniewski, and John Stokinger. Proceeds are used to help in our Polio Plus
efforts. **More Rotarians are asked to step up to assist with Movie Nights this
summer. Held on the 1st and 3rd Thurs. of June, July and
Aug., at dusk, the equipment for this program was purchased through a Rotary
Simplified Grant. Please call or e-mail Michael Hayes to volunteer to be a part
of this fun Rotary program.***John Fischer asks for help with a project related
to the 20th Annual Golf Classic. Organizers are seeking the
addresses of past scholarship winners or their families: Nathan Lawrence,
Tiffany Mather, Ashley Eyster, Catlin King, Ashley Lynn Rene, and Adam
Catherman. Please tell John if you can provide any information.

Good News of Rotary International: Konrad Kempfe shared information about Southern Calif.
Clubs initiative that led to RI winning more than 2 million air miles from
United. Miles will be used for flights for humanitarian purposes.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: happy birthday
Bob Fogle, and from himself (Don Harnum back); Hal Dunkelberger (thank you
Joyce Anderson for great work on service award event, and members present
today); Don Harnum (went to BJ’s first, clot busters, the DeWire’s and Joyce);
John Stokinger (Chorale Concert, MS Walk); Pat Pinkowski(guests and District Conference); Arte Bowen
(guests, local developments, first communion for oldest granddaughter); Brian
Neita (family trip to Florida Disney World); Dave Lawer (Don back and Service
Award event); John Fischer (Don back, FEW, Golf Classic planning – 2nd
Monday in Sept.); Sheri Hoffman (Back and Read Across Am. Event); Mike Piecuch
(Awards event and RAA); Wes Knapp (guests, Don H back, pic in paper); Bob Soper
(Don H back, Vi recovering, students); Joyce Anderson (guests, grandson 100 in
spelling bee, thanks to Mike Flock and John Bickhart); Toby Skinner (Don back,
Billy’s visit and decision to attend UCLA); and John Thompson (first place in
ham radio event).

Future Programs:

May 10
Susan Robishaw, “The Gift of Life” organ transplant program. Konrad Kempfe is
the host, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

May 17
Rotary and SACF Scholarship Winners will be introduced by Kendra Aucker, Chair
of the Selinsgrove Area Community Foundation Scholarship Committee. SVCC, 11:45

May 24 – Stacy
Butler, State Farm Insurance will be the speaker. Sheri Hoffman is the host.
SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

May 31 – Marcellas Shale – speaker is Mark Herer. Toby
Skinner is the host


May 15
– John Stokinger.

Quotation: “A country without a memory is a
country of madmen.”

George Santayana